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elbanditoroso's avatar

English language colloquialism question ...which is the better noun?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) April 27th, 2013

The discussion was about a person who is incredibly stupid. Someone who personifies the phrase “as dumb as a box of rocks”. (And no, the person in question was NOT a blonde)

My phrasing: “She reached a new height of stupidity”

Friends’s phrasing: “She reached a new depth of stupidity”

English majors, which one captures the thought most accurately?

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9 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

“She redefines stupidity.”
“She has set the bar below ground.”
“She’s a dull beacon of stupidity.”

Your friend’s phrasing will be easier to understand, but you could save the day if you make fun of the “height” thing:

“She takes stupidity to a new level.”

No, I haven’t got a good way to do it.

Jeruba's avatar

Both are metaphorical. If you are thinking in terms of measurement on a scale, with the greater quantity of the trait being indicated by a larger number—one that falls higher on a vertical axis—the word would be “height.”

But to say that someone is profoundly stupid is also meaningful. That would be a term of relative depth.

In sum, it’s not a matter of correctness. I think “height” would be the more common phrasing, but a good metaphor is a powerful expression, and it’s effective as long as the analogy among terms holds up.

In both cases I think you’re also talking about hyperbole (exaggeration). Anyone who really had a level of intelligence as extreme as those terms imply would be unable to function.

jaytkay's avatar

Both sound correct to my ear.

Height sounds better.

I think people would understand both.

Not an English major

marinelife's avatar

I don’t like height. It is oxymoronic to say height and stupidity.

Jeruba's avatar

Why’s that, @marinelife? They’re not inherently contradictory.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I like depth, in this case. And for that reason I kind of agree with @marinelife. We tend to think of heights as a positive thing.

Pachy's avatar

Height. Definitely height, as in peak, apex, pinnacle. Stupidity at it’s highest level. Depth doesn’t work for me at all.

Jeruba's avatar

the height of arrogance
the height of callousness
the height of duplicity
the height of the ridiculous
the height of rudeness
the height of the storm
the height of the war

the height of civilization
the height of fashion
the height of luxury
the height of one’s career
the height of romance
the height of sophistication


ucme's avatar

The height of shite, as in Donald Trump’s “hair.”

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