Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

I went to get my license renewed, and I wasn't even allowed to smile in my picture this time. How else has Obama ruined this country?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) April 27th, 2013

Seriously, though. What gives?

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39 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

It’s the facial recognition software. Our faces are being cataloged to help with counter-terrorism I believe.

Mr_Paradox's avatar

Can we avoid these polarizing political questions please?

Michael_Huntington's avatar

When I was in mcdonalds, I asked for a whopper and they wouldn’t give me one.
Thanks a lot, Obama!

chyna's avatar

<eyes roll>

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I can’t open this bottle with my bare hands. Thank you, Obama!
#impeachobama #yolo #swag

Blackberry's avatar


Just a bit of humor, my friends. And thanks for the answer, paws.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Yes, President Obama controls your state’s DMV. He’s running the place and micro-managing every decision. Next week, he’ll take over your local school system. After that, he’ll decide which potholes and streetlights in your neighborhood need to be fixed.

Tomorrow, I need to drive from D.C. to Connecticut. I fully expect Barak Obama to be patrolling the New Jersey Turnpike and issuing speeding tickets.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I hadn’t heard about the no-smiling rule. I’ve never smiled in the picture anyways. What’s there to smile about when you’ve been sitting at the DMV for the last three hours?

gorillapaws's avatar

It’s part of the FBI’s Next Generation Identification system I think. Smiling screws up the facial recognition. Here’s an article discussing it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It’s a commie plot. They want to produce propaganda that no one is happy in the US, unlike in RUssia, which is the worker’s paradise.

They start with drivers licenses. But at some point it will be illegal to post a picture on Facebook if you are smiling.

glacial's avatar

I laughed, @Blackberry. :)

I smiled for a recent driver’s licence photo, and immediately felt guilty! Then I remembered it’s the passport people who don’t want us to smile. I guess the trend hasn’t caught on as widely here, yet.

On the upside, the unsmiling IDs make for fun mugshot comparisons among friends. See who comes closest to The Nolte!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Blackberry That’s what we get for electing a minority member born in Kenya as president. :) Next he’s going to cut Social Security and Medicare.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I only got 4 points on my last Words With Friends move. I think really hard and I deserve more. It’s a conspiracy. Thanks Obama.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Actually, Obama started on the license conspiracy a loooong time ago. In 1974, when I got my first DL it didn’t even HAVE pictures, which made it a lot easier to get into bars on a fake ID. Obama went and ruined all that a few years later.

Rarebear's avatar

My glasses got smeared up today and I couldn’t see well out of my right eye. Thanks a lot Obama.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t feel good. Obviously Obamacare is a TOTAL waste of our tax payer’s money. I mean, if it was any good they would have found a cure for a hangover by now, right?

Inspired_2write's avatar

In Canada this has been practiced for years.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I cut my hand with a knife yesterday trying to free a stuck pastry from a glass pie plate. If I had used a soon-to-be-outlawed assault rifle my hand would not be bandaged today. Thanks a lot Obama.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^You got attacked by a rolly polly, @LuckyGuy. But still, an assault rifle,or even a shotgun, or a hand grenade would have come in very handy to dispatch the little terrorist. Obama is actually sheltering the bugs of mass destruction though. Way to go, dumbass Obama.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Dutchess_III There were 12 pastries on that plate. How am I supposed to defend myself with only a 10 round capacity magazine? Thanks Obama.
At least they were made with no transfats. Thanks Bloomberg!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m just still trying to figure out how you lost a battle with pastries. Obama sure has turned you into a wimp!

glacial's avatar

@Inspired_2write Canadian driver’s licence requirements vary between provinces.

LuckyGuy's avatar

When he slashed the budget, Pastry defense was first on the chopping block.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Thanks Obama @Fly !

glacial's avatar

@LuckyGuy Dammit, pastry defence is one of the few examples of military spending that I can really get behind. Thanks, Obama!!

mazingerz88's avatar

They didn’t allow you to smile because you had a bit of spinach in your teeth @Blackberry. And yes, Obama put it there. heh heh heh ( That’s a Bush snicker btw )

jca's avatar

I renewed my license about a month and a half ago, and they just re-used my photo from 12 years ago (or some long time ago date). I was smiling and I was also about a hundred pounds heavier and my hair was way shorter. Good luck to any police agency putting out an APB with that photo!

KNOWITALL's avatar

It’s so Syria takes us ‘seriously’ ha!

glacial's avatar

I had to.

mazingerz88's avatar

Dont forget to eat your syrial for breakfast @glacial. Well, I’ll syr yah later then. LOL

jca's avatar

Que Syrah Syrah.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Down with Syran Wrap. Up with Seal and Press.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III – It’s Aleppo faith to believe what you write.

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