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talljasperman's avatar

How can we improve the emergency blanket?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) April 28th, 2013

My thought when I needed one is that the blanket could have sleeves and be designed as a one piece p.j.

What do you think, can the emergency blanket be improved?

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13 Answers

filmfann's avatar

You want to create an emergency snuggie?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

What type of climate are you working with? Cold I would think more like a sleeping bag to maximize heat conservation. Hey, filmfan I almost said a snuggie.

talljasperman's avatar

@filmfann Exactly, I would like to make a thin metal emergency snuggie for mountain weather…it kept me warm but not comfortable or happy… I disliked the wind blowing under the blanket… and I wanted a more comfortable emergency blanket.

CWOTUS's avatar

Make it edible. (High fiber, low carbs, hypoallergenic.)

Make it with an inner layer of potable water. Also, a section of it should be useful as a filtration device for contaminated water (or even brackish or salt water).

Make it electrified (a battery), with a USB port so you can charge communication devices with dead batteries, and be sure to include solar panels so that it can recharge.

Include EPIRB signalling or GPS.

Make it magnetic, so that it orients to magnetic North and South.

Pachy's avatar

Make a tiny one for toddlers… an emergency blankey.

CWOTUS's avatar

Make it a USCG recognized Class III flotation device. I have no idea in the world how you could do that with “a blanket”. Just thought I’d throw it in there.

CWOTUS's avatar

Give it smoke and carbon monoxide sensing capabilities, and an alarm. Powered by the solar panels, of course.

gailcalled's avatar

Make it with timed. self-releasing valium tablets so that you can, indeed, also feel happy.

amujinx's avatar

I would rather have my towel than an emergency blanket.

woodcutter's avatar

I think the concept is they are for rare emergencies to hold us over until better circumstances. I would feel pretty “happy” to not have hypothermia but thats just me.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m starting to think out of the box now…

Make it a flying blanket.

Give it 4G communications ability, including a full-size keyboard built into the fabric (selectable between various alphabets and QWERTY or Dvorak and other national schemes and alphabets or character sets), and a high definition display capability.

The deluxe blanket could have external storage capacity (WiFi-enabled storage to the cloud, perhaps) and added memory. (Maybe make it a 128 gigabyte quad-core Win-Tel processor, but Mac compatible.)

Unbroken's avatar

I was always puzzled how a metally flimsy square of tinfoil like substance was going to keep me warm in the middle of winter in Alaska with no sunshine.

It is shiny so maybe someone will see it, it could possibly melt water.. maybe..

If it held up it might give you a bank from the wind. But you’d be better off digging a sleeping pod in the snow and either using it as a flap or if it is wet snow from getting wet. Or maybe you could use the reflection to start a fire if you didn’t have matches or they were wet, assuming the sun was strong enough that day. You could flap it at a bear so you appear bigger.

But how to make it better…. hmmm… well I always just carry a full set of winter gear and a blanket in my car and hope I never need to use it.

My best idea is an in case of emergency button: instant gps signal sent straight to the closest help facilities. I always find that my cellphone is near death or out of signal range when I need help. Once the device itself gets cold it stops working.

Oh wait I remember Bubblyboy. That might work it inflated like a cushy pod of warmth and protection from the elements.

CWOTUS's avatar

I can’t imagine why I didn’t think of this before…

Put a glove compartment in it. That way, you could keep another emergency blanket in the glove compartment of your emergency blanket, and so on to infinity.

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