General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Where can one get the extensive knowledge needed for gold smelting and assaying?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) April 28th, 2013

Like the disclaimer for Bering Sea Gold says. Are there some courses, one can take in university, or books to read and/or YouTube videos, to learn the basics of business ventures. Also are there any safe gold smelting jobs where one can live comfortably, as a gold assayer/smelter?
Also in the early part what can I do in a farming town to contribute online until I save some money to move off gold panning in the wilderness.

I would like to see how much it would cost for a beginner with a high school diploma to get involved in the gold rush.

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3 Answers

ETpro's avatar

There are certainly books. A Bing search for the following string: gold smelting
returns results on online information as well as books.

Unfortunately, it’s gotten to where searching on Google returns less in honest search results and more in what Google gets paid when you click, or has some other financial interest in. For instance, the same search on Google returns mostly results about gold “melting” instead of “smelting”.

It’s a cost intensive process to set up to smelt gold from scrap or low-grade natural gold filled with impurities. So research panning as well. It’s going to take some bucks to get set up doing it. Best of luck. It sounds like a fascinating project and if you’re able to follow through, can lead to a lucrative career.

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