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Dutchess_III's avatar

Has your child ever said something creepy?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 29th, 2013

I keep looking at this and I just wonder what would possess most of those kids to say such things?

The creepiest thing any of my kids did happened when I was 8.5 months pregnant with my second child. I had heartburn, so I piled 3 pillows up so I could sleep semi-reclining.
One night my 6 year old wandered in to my room in the middle of the night and said, “I want your pillow.”
I struggled awake and said, “What?”
“I want your pillow,” she said. It was dark, but a shadow of light was across her face and I could make out this fixed zombie look in her eyes and I realized she was sleep walking and that made it really surreal! ...A shadow of light?? Well, you know what I mean. :)

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26 Answers

Inspired_2write's avatar

Sounds like the child wanted to be hugged like the pillow, by his mother?
Children pick up things from there surroundings and possibly get the ideas jumbled.
Hense the sayings.
Also older siblings have a knack for trying to scare their siblings.
(the beginnings of sibling rivary).
I remember one mother saying that when she brought the baby home from the hospital her son , who was about 5 yrs old said ” Ok, Iam finished playing with the baby, you can take her back to the hospital now”. LOL

Seek's avatar

Oh gosh.

My son is, well, my son.

He watches zombie movies, and Dexter, and all sorts of things. He hates shows with gun violence, though, so he asks us to watch the “mean people shows” after he’s asleep. Shows like “The Sopranos” and “Sons of Anarchy”.

But when he’s in his room, alone, playing with Lego people and Hot Wheels cars, you’ll hear “Oh no! Don’t eat me robot car! Don’t eat my brains!” “Yes I’ll eat your brains and your toes!”

Or when I tell him to look both ways before going into the crosswalk: “Because if I don’t look I will get hit by a car and be dead? And then you would be sad because I would be dead?”

He also talks about the time that he “was an old man” and what he used to do then. I’m sure someone would love to take those stories and turn them into a book about past-life regression.

Inspired_2write's avatar
An interesting site about childrens memories about past lives.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ I hate to be the one to break the news to you but…after you die there is nothing. Nothing. No memory, no conscience. I know this because I died for a few minutes when I was in the hospital last November. We have an acquaintance who was dead for 15 minutes on the operating table having open heart surgery. They lost him…but brought him back. I eagerly asked him about “the Light.” He said, “No light. No memories, no nothing. Nothing but the Sleep of the Dead.” Kind of morbid the way he said it but….there it is.

keobooks's avatar

My daughter once said “You gonna die, mama. I go see your casket. It got dirt on it when it got buried.” This is what prompted me to ask my question about whether or not my husband and I should try to explain funerals and death to her.

LuckyGuy's avatar

For you “city folk” this won’t relate. One of the pleasures of having a large garden, fruit trees, open space and guns is the opportunity to shoot rotten veggies. It really is a blast to pop pumpkins, splatter apples, or destroy zucchini. The animals love it too since they clean up the mess in a day or two – right down to the seeds!

A loooong while ago I was out of town and making the usual phone call home. I spoke to my then 12 year old son and asked what had been going on today. He said he and a friend had been out back shooting several overly large beets. “They exploded and sprayed beet juice all over the place!. Dad, One beet was the size of your head!” he said with enthusiasm!
The size of my head…. (Yikes!)
That was nearly 20 years ago so I figure I’m safe.

Seek's avatar

@Dutchess_III It’s the same when you’re under general anaesthesia. No dreams. Nothing. I remember asking my anaesthetist if this was the same stuff Michael Jackson was on, and then I woke up with surgical scars. Nothing in between.

Bellatrix's avatar

@Dutchess_III I cannot remember my kids saying anything creepy. One of them does share my fascination with the dark side of life but she isn’t ‘creepy’.

cookieman's avatar

opportunity to shoot rotten veggies.

@LuckyGuy: As “city folk”, I admit, these are five words I would never think to string together. ;^)

Regarding the remaining Boston bombing suspect: My daughter said, “He shouldn’t get the death penalty”.

“Why?”, I asked

“Because he won’t learn anything. He should suffer completely.”

LuckyGuy's avatar

@cookieman We always have much more than we (and everyone we know) can use. After the activity it is like a buffet / smorgasbord for the critters. Deer, fox, turkey, raccoon, possum, etc. all have a field day. There is no mess. Even the birds take away the seeds.
You have to try it sometime. We have beets the size of your head. :-)

Blondesjon's avatar

You don’t understand. She never sleeps!

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

When my daughter was 4 we had moved into an old upper level apartment.

Things started happening. And she said creepy things or the surroundings made her creepy, or I just lost my mind, idk.

I would wake up and cupboards would be open and there was this small door in the kitchen to the creepy attic space which would be unlatched and opened.

So I asked my daughter why she was opening up all the doors while I was asleep she said “I’m not mommy, the man in the attic is. He comes in my room and scares me, he wants his room back.”

So I thought sure “the man in the attic”, kids say the darndest things. “Ok, honey just don’t touch anything in the kitchen while I’m asleep ok? Kitchen is off limits.” “Ok mommy.”

So the doors kept opening :(. About a month later my daughter was sound asleep I was watching tv. I could smell gas (we had a gas stove) so I went into the kitchen and the burner was on :/ I turned it off and was walking out of the kitchen and my daughter screamed “FIRE!” I checked her she was sound asleep so I went back in the kitchen eveything was fine. I felt like I was losing my mind. I only stayed in that place about 3 months.

I received a piece of mail with no return address or any other details but just a photocopied piece of paper from a news article dated 10 years prior to us living there about a guy who lived in my apartment and died in my daughters room by fire. Thats when I said see ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya, you want us out? We are outta here! lol.

Anyway because of that time my daughter and I have both developed some fears. :/ My daughter started to be afraid of the dark which then that fear gripped her harder and she is afraid of many things now.

I have a fear of the gas stove blowing us up. Every once in awhile if I’m not home my mom who has no sense of smell will lean into the stove the wrong way and the knob will get turned and I’ll come home and smell the gas instantly. Then I’ll go through the frustrated spiel with her like an OCD patient, “check the knob! One day I’ll come home and you’ll have blown up the whole neighborhood!” etc, etc, etc

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

@LuckyGuy I say yes to shooting rotten veggies! Thats sounds like the best way to kill things in my vegan mind :))

LuckyGuy's avatar

@nofurbelowsbatgirl I think it is time for you to get rid of that old gas stove and buy an electric. You will sleep better. They are not expensive and installation is very easy.

You should see what used to happens to jack-o-lanterns after Halloween. The kids would fill them up with apples, take outhe 20 gauge and Blam! – pumpkin apple fitters all over the back clearing. It smelled great. The deer could come for the buffet.

Dutchess_III's avatar

M. That’s one way to plant pumpkins!

keobooks's avatar

I have no idea why my daughter said this today. We were talking about a birthday party she went to. We saw “birthday girl” and “her cousin”—and when I mentioned the cousin who was only 18 months old she suddenly said “He stab it with a knife!” I think she might have been talking about the fact that the little boy was popping balloons with a fork. But it sounded really creepy.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Me age 3 sat up in bed and backhanded my mom. Age 7 I woke up crying asking Mommy why are there so many sad ppl.

ccrow's avatar

My oldest son had imaginary people he talked about when he was very small… we were always hearing stories about ‘Jim’ and ‘Judy’ and their family. One day out of the blue, he said Judy was crying… He said she was crying because Jim had chopped up all her babies and they died and went to heaven. Then he never mentioned any of them Ever. Again. Creeped us the f*ck out.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ccrow Dang, that is creep!

El_Cadejo's avatar

Ok so I’m in the process of moving right now and I found a bunch of boxes with papers from when I was a little kid. This isn’t creepy but it’s definitely pretty weird. Here is a story I made/illustrated when I was in 2nd grade.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I killed myself off in my own story…

keobooks's avatar

Awesome story!!! I love it! What’s weird is that when I was in the 4th grade, I wrote a time machine story too. I ended up changing schools over it. My teacher was so creeped out by it because I sent the class out on a field trip and killed everyone (they all got eaten or stepped on by dinosaurs) including the teacher—and myself. She wanted me put in special ed because she thought I was disturbed. My parents put me in some private hippy school instead.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@keobooks niceee. I haven’t seen my mom since I found this little story. I’ll have to ask her what she/my teachers thought about it when I made it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@uberbatman That was a great story! I bet it took you a month to spell “anklayosaurus” tho. Hell, took me 10 minutes to write it here, and spell check wants to change it to “Australasian.”
I loved how you drew lines to write the words on…I remember doing that too, trying to recreate my Big Chief Tablet, else the words would wander all over the page.
Also, the T-Rex was mean as hell, and it scared me. Especially the mean teeth it had when it ate you!
A+, and nice coloring job. :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

heh thanks guys

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