Social Question

poisonedantidote's avatar

What are your thoughts on the projections for ice levels at the north pole?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) April 29th, 2013

The latest projections are showing that the north pole will have no ice on it by 2016 during the summer times, only freezing up in winters, and with much less ice than previously.

The more conservative estimates put it at 2022, as being the year when the north pole will no longer have ice on it during summers.

What are your thoughts on this?

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12 Answers

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Depressing. The last time I flew over Greenland, it was green. In 30 years of flying back and forth to Europe, I never saw that before.

KNOWITALL's avatar

It’s horrible, I wish enough people cared to help our planet. Two answers on this Q, wow.

zenvelo's avatar

I agree with the others, it is sad and adds to the worries that my children will have to live in such a world. And it baffles me why this is not met with a global effort to turn things around. We did it with the elimination of chlorofluorocarbons, we might make the same global effort again. Perhaps someday we can reverse the process.

rojo's avatar

This Might make you feel better. Or This one might make you feel worse. Talk about putting a positive spin on Global Warming.

rojo's avatar

Ice Age Now predicts a 2014 start date so maybe we can get some ice back in the not to distant future.

Kropotkin's avatar

@rojo Unfortunately the Express article, that web site, and the claims of Khabibullo Abdusamatov are complete junk. Abdusamatov even denies there’s an atmospheric greenhouse effect at all—merely contradicting something that was established well over a century ago. It’s great nonsense for denialists to lap up.

hearkat's avatar

I see photographs if the glaciers in Switzerland that used to be humongous when I was a kid and now are barely there. It makes me sad for future generations. I think that some extent of climate change would be happening even if humans had never industrialized, but I also believe that we’ve made it considerably worse than it would have been.

Crumpet's avatar

This planet will outlive the human race and slowly reclaim itself.
I try not to let it bother me.

ETpro's avatar

I’m fascinated by the Republicans in the USA, and their talking points on this. First, it isn’t happening. Next, it’s great that it is happening because it will allow oil tankers to cut trips short by using the polar route, thus allowing us to burn more oil.

rojo's avatar

@ETpro And, if the whole thing thaws out then there is nothing left worth protecting in the ANWAR so “Drill, Baby, Drill!!!”

rojo's avatar

Also, it will mean those Goddam Canadians won’t need to build the Keystone Pipeline down through the US to get their oil out overseas; they can just go over their own land and screw that up instead.

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