Social Question

Should I seek help for this phobia?
For as long as I can remember, being in rooms with tall ceilings has made me feel uncomfortable. When asked to sleep over someone’s apartment that had tall ceilings, I couldn’t sleep at all that night and I felt a lot of shortness of breath. I felt very uneasy. Whether it be a mall, a theater, or some other building with tall ceilings, I have always felt a bit anxious to leave. But it wasn’t until on Saturday that I went to a museum and began having some trouble breathing. I felt so anxious and upset by being in a building with such tall ceilings. We left, and I meditated with my friend at the beach. She helped to calm me down. Later the same day, we went to a big arena to see a marching band performance. The arena was huge, and within 15 minutes of the performance starting, I started feeling nausea. I began having the same shortness of breath and started feeling very dizzy and light headed. My friend tried calming me down and put his arm around me and tried to distract me but by then I think I was having a full blown panic attack. I was crying and shaking so my sister brought me to the bathroom where I curled up in the corner and shook for another half hour. I don’t know whether or not this qualifies as a legitimate anxiety problem or if it was just an isolated incident. Either way, this has never happened to me before, so if someone has experienced something similar or can give me some advice that would be great. My mother says that since I wasn’t getting a lot of sleep on the trip it may have affected my tolerance of the ceiling.