General Question

nebule's avatar

Are there any UK jellies that could give me some decent career advice and help, specifically in the fields of psychology and/or philosophy?

Asked by nebule (16472points) April 30th, 2013

I don’t want to go into the details here, because it is an incredibly long winded and complicated background to the question. But I’m looking for some in-depth career advice to help me take the next step. Briefly, I have a 1st class honours degree in Psychology and Philosophy and I’m interested in counselling but other things as well, possibly teaching or research. I need some sound advice. I have gone down all the normal routes… speaking to the Open University, who I studied with, I’ve spoken to the National Careers Service here in the UK and gone on various unhelpful websites. All of the above give generic responses to my questions and don’t take into account my personal circumstances or have the insider information about these specific professions.

What I really need is a psychology and/ or philosophy professional that knows this area of study and what my options might be. Or someone that could point me in the right direction. I can give further details of course but didn’t want to bore you all with the details to start with.

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2 Answers

linguaphile's avatar

What if you take the StrengthFinders assessment? It was the best thing I ever did for myself and helped me find a career based on my strengths and interests rather than my degree.

Check out StrengthFinders 2.0

nebule's avatar

Thanks @linguaphile I’ll check it out. Although I have had an in-depth personality assessment done before, which was career based…I’ll have a look. xx

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