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Dutchess_III's avatar

Is anyone else having problems with FireFox?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) April 30th, 2013

As asked.

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32 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I don’t think I am…what issues are you having?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Are you using Fire Fox, @augustlan?

Unbroken's avatar

Yes I am. As a loyal Firefox user for over 10 years I am considering changing. I have nol idea to what lately I have been using explorer as awful as that is.

What happened I upgraded my Apple software and now the Mozilla just shuts down.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What problems have you been having @rosehips? (I’m remoted on with the Geek Guys tech right now.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

You could try Chrome @rosehips

CWOTUS's avatar

I use Chrome now whenever I can, except the corporate pages we use (and we use tons of them) all require Internet Exploder.

I like the tagline that I read for Exploder one day:

“Microsoft Internet Exploder is the Number One browser… for downloading a new browser.” That pretty much says it for me.

I’m having ‘new setup issues’ with everything right now, because after far too many unexplained BSODs and spontaneous reboots in the middle of the day, I’ve finally had my old work computer replaced – even though it’s not even a year-and-a-half old yet – and I’m having to move into and set up a new computer. Which is nowhere near as much fun as you might think, when you have it highly customized with non-standard non-Corporate applications… of which Chrome and Firefox are just the tips of two huge icebergs.

Unbroken's avatar

Oh I was at work @Dutchess_III and probably missed my window. Thanks for the thought and hope your issues get ironed out.

I had forgotten about Chrome, I guess its worth a shot… any one recommend the browser or have issues related to it?

I’m a little @CWOTUS I like customization. Nothing too terribly fancy, mouse gesture. My bookmarks can be a little anal, my homepage is unmistably mine and my toolbar gets tweaked everynow and then. The set up process is a pain in the but for me and a waste of time in my book.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I’m using it. So far so good. It’s not IE, anyway.

CWOTUS's avatar

I just want to interject here that if @rosehips is a little @CWOTUS, I have no idea who the mother is.

Unbroken's avatar

Lol I meant that like CWOTUS I need… require a little customization, probably not as much as him(you) and that I completely understand the frustration of not having evrything in place and where I am used to it. Weird little pop ups and quirks…. I get used to something it better damn well stay that way until I change it.!!!

umm…as to seed sowing I am blissfully ignorant.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Time for group therapy @rosehips? I’m here for you. ;)

jerv's avatar

Firefox has been good to me for many years, and still is.

Chrome is okay for certain, simple things, but lacks too many features and too much accessibility. While faster and sleeker, there is no denying it’s common roots with Safari, including the attitude that including the things that serious users need would make the browser “too complicated” and are thus omitted, making it more painful to use than it’s worth.

Internet Exploiter has one trait that makes me keep it even though I rarely use it; AcitveX. In fact, ActoveX is why I rarely use it. However, there really is no other way to get those Windows updates that the system doesn’t automatically grab itself.

As for a non-Apple program/system having issues after upgrading Apple software, there is a reason why I trust Apple’s PC stuff slithgly less than I trust IE. Now @rosehips knows why ;)

Unbroken's avatar

@jerv now you tell me… Well as untech savvy as I am seems like Chrome might be just fine for me.

@Dutchess_III Ahhh well you let me sort of hijack your thread and I might have a solution to my problem so I think I am good on the therapy for now… But might hold you to it later. : )

jerv's avatar

@rosehips My wife likes it. I find the lack of “Print Preview” in and of itself to be a deal-killer without even getting into the lack of a customizable toolbar, the “could be outsmarted by a houseplant” download manager, and other more arcane things I find vital yet she finds incomprehensible. I like my add-ons; Chrome has fewer of them, and with many that both Chrome and Firefox share, the Chrome version is as buggy and imperfect as the PC version of iTunes.

If all you need is a simple browser with no bells and whistles, Chrome is pretty decent. I just isn’t half the browser I need.

CWOTUS's avatar

No print preview? Hey, I get that you don’t like Chrome, @jerv. Different strokes for different folks, and all. But don’t go making stuff up.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

It’s been crashing a bit lately but I think one of my add-ons may be the problem.

augustlan's avatar

@Dutchess_III I didn’t do it!

Unbroken's avatar

Wow no customizable tool bar? I thought even ie had that to an extent…. I admit I have been on and off as quickly as possible, using my phone or devices more and just doing less.

On ie I always get the message 1 min in to my browsing session that I am using too much memory to shut down and restart. Even though I keep my tabs down to a min and run a disk clean up dumping my temp files and such before I start now.

Chrome sounds much worse then Mozilla, I am always bitching because it seems their “patches?” are always later then they should be and I find I can’t open such or such or do this because Mozilla is behind and have to wait for them to update everything. I don’t begrudge an occasional crash, but every time is a overkill. Maybe Safari then?

How did someone (me) so computer illiterate get so dependent and wrapped up in all this gibberish?

jerv's avatar

@CWOTUS If it doesn’t work right, it doesn’t count. And how do I put the button on my toolbar anyways?

Bellatrix's avatar

I haven’t had any problems with Firefox apart from it being very memory hungry lately. I spoke to one of our tech people about a different issue and she said this was a problem with Firefox recently. I have to keep IE and I need to download Chrome because as they upgrade (Firefox, Chrome or IE) often the changes they make result in incompatibilities between their product and our learning environment. So you end up having to use different browsers for different tasks.

downtide's avatar

I am not having any problems with the current version but a few versions back, I had terrible problems with it using up nearly 100% of CPU resources. It got to the point where I couldn’t run any other programs at all if I had Firefox open. But whatever was wrong, they seem to have fixed it.

jordym84's avatar

I used to switch between Chrome and Firefox but a few months back I had to uninstall the latter as it kept crashing my computer every time I launched it. I reinstalled it in hopes that that would fix the issue, but it didn’t, so I uninstalled it for good. Now I mainly use Opera and I love it. I still use Chrome, but mostly for Netflix and Hulu as they seem to work a bit better on Chrome than on Opera.

I was forced to install IE as certain features of my company’s internal site don’t seem to work on any other browser, but I seldom use it – once or twice a month, if at all.

CWOTUS's avatar

What button, @jerv? Right-click / Print… / Preview.

jerv's avatar

@CWOTUS 1) Sub-menu is not the same as a button, nor nearly as convenient. One step is simpler and quicker than two.
2) No scaling options, therefore utterly useless to me, therefore doesn’t count. Now, if you are the type of person who calls a car with no wheels and a seized engine “reliable transportation”, you can count that as a Print Preview, but unless/until it has the functionality I need, I won’t!
I think we’ve established where I stand here, so let’s just leave it; I’m too stubborn on this for you to have even a remote chance of swaying :)

CWOTUS's avatar

@jerv I’m not trying to sell you or convince you; I don’t give two hoots. You said ”[Chrome] has no print preview”, which is incorrect. I merely attempted to correct the misstatement of fact. The cleaner interface appeals to me; I’m so sick of “buttons” for every little thing that I could vomit. Like I said, different strokes for different folks.

jerv's avatar

@CWOTUS Could this have been avoided if I had said something like “The Print Preview on Chrome is crippled”, or, “Chrome has no [worthwhile/usable] Print Preview function” while also adding that it’s harder to get to than it is on Firefox? Until you pressed the issue, I was happy to ignore/dismiss the alleged “Print preview” function that Chrome claims to have rather than bother going into it’s shortcomings.
Also note that “customizable” means elements are hideable/removable. I like a clean interface too, hence by distaste for having to execute a three-move, two-step procedure to for a basic function. It’s not that I like buttons any more than you do; I just like being able to have commonly-used functions easily available. I only have four buttons on my Firefox toolbar; the same three Chrome has, and Print Preview.

CWOTUS's avatar

It’s not even worth any more discussion, @jerv. You’re right; I’m wrong, same as usual.

Dutchess_III's avatar

After I opened the print tab I didn’t see a print preview option either…but I hit the letter ‘V” and a preview came up . I don’t see a button that I could drag to my desktop, but I tried my hot keys and they worked. It would be ctrl / P/ V. Just as fast as a button, maybe faster.

jerv's avatar

@Dutchess_III I guess it depends on your setup. Between my Nostromo under my left hand and my mouse in my right, that would involve a change of posture, and likely pulling out my keyboard tray; except for text entry, I rarely use my keyboard, and have my system set to access most commands by other means. Different strokes…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, of course. I use hot keys whenever possible because my hands are usually on the key board anyway. Mine would be the opposite. I’d have to take my hand off of the keyboard, put it on the mouse, place my mouse, click….it would take relatively forEVER!

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