Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Would you please just hit control V (paste) as your response so we can see the most recent thing you have stolen?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) May 1st, 2013

Those guys made me do this. Honestly, they did. Here is mine:


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47 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

And This (SOMEBODY screwed up the chain! Damn their eyes!)

Berserker's avatar


Lol, suckers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! HEY @rojo! You stolz my link!

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

“I hope that you can understand and still continue to love me as I love you”

Jeruba's avatar

But it isn’t stolen. I was forwarding a link to someone I thought would be interested. (It made me laugh.)

Brian1946's avatar

I haven’t copied anything to paste since I woke up my PC a little more than 5 hours ago.

dxs's avatar

I guess it depends on your age and sex.

hearkat's avatar

it’s the site regarding what moms want for Mother’s Day that I posted earlier

livelaughlove21's avatar

“Annual HOA Dues”

troubleinharlem's avatar

redacted because I see that there are like five dozen questions like this and I don’t know why

Blackberry's avatar

It’s my bank account number. So no way, pal.

RandomGirl's avatar

“It was funny – there were 6 guys in the group of 25 kids”

I was telling my friend about the pathetic girl/guy ratio in my college orientation group yesterday. But then they asked me a question and I had to delete it and type my response.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@troubleinharlem Will Work For Chocolate STARTED IT!

macLetha's avatar


I was checking to see if my mailserver was infected with a some new malware infecting Apache installs.

Luckily… it returned System not infected

cookieman's avatar


Brian1946's avatar

7 hours later and still nothing to paste. ;-o

augustlan's avatar

I got nothin’ to paste at the moment. But I see you all were having a whole lot of fun while I was gone today! Bad jellies. BAD!

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

(Sick of it all)
All forsaking
Where you gonna go
No one told you how it would be
Helter Skelter
Ain’t no shelter
Stare into the sun
You can look buy you won’t see
Where are you gonna go
The rise before the fall
When you’re just sick of it all
Fly so high
You’re gonna die
When one’s got broken wings
No one told you how it would be
The battle between the highs and low
Drown yourself again
Its where you find that you’re free
Where are you gonna go
Nothing left that you know
The rise before the fall
When you’re just sick of it all

Larson’s Holstein Bull

by Jim Harrison

Death waits inside us for a door to open.
Death is patient as a dead cat.
Death is a doorknob made of flesh.
Death is that angelic farm girl
gored by the bull on her way home
from school, crossing the pasture
for a shortcut. In the seventh grade
she couldn’t read or write. She wasn’t a virgin.
She was “simpleminded,” we all said.
It was May, a time of lilacs and shooting stars.
She’s lived in my memory for sixty years.
Death steals everything except our stories. 

(Funeral Bell)

Drinking, drugged up, completely shot to hell
Left behind, aint nothing left to sell
Oh, aint nothing left to sell
The hatred of your blood
So tortured, so insane
Dead ends, lost hope
Keep running through your veins
Oh, running through your veins
So high, and then I fell
Can’t stop the ringing of my funeral bell
The loss of one’s self
Inside the wheel of doom
Genocide is coming way too soon.
Oh, way too soon
The undying fear
The strength of one’s demise
Broke and strung out
You wave yourself goodbye
Oh, goodbye
So high, and then I fell
Can’t stop the ringing
So high, and then I fell
Can’t stop the ringing of my funeral bell

LOL, yes it’s my fluther story..well the first part, I was editing it just a few minutes ago.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pssst! We gotta put someone on Auggie watch so we know when she leaves again!

rojo's avatar

Naughty, naughty Dutchess_III !
We got lucky, all the cats were away at once.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I have it immortalized! Best three hours of my Fluther life. Except for the Frizzer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got nothin’ to paste at the moment. But I see you all were having a whole lot of fun while I was gone today! Bad jellies. BAD!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

BAD @Dutchess_III; You were have a whole lot of fun….

rojo's avatar

In the immortal words of Zoot:
First the spanking! Then the oral sex!

Dutchess_III's avatar

The only way to describe it is “Suave ‘Ocean Breeze’ shampoo mixed with tree sap.”

Blackberry's avatar

I’ll try again:

In the examples above there is a difference in the jet maxes Model B (on the right) is displaying an elongated area of jet max winds of 130kts extending from North Dakota to Manitoba.
Model A (on the left) is depicting a larger area of the jet max of 150kts extending from North Dakota to the Hudson Bay.

Dutchess_III's avatar


answerjill's avatar

[I had to delete mine because it was the email address a friend.]

Dutchess_III's avatar

My purpose in life is to be 30 again and have my little ones around me! Hm. Not sure what to do about that.

Candidate Reference Number is: 4403554487-A

augustlan's avatar

PS: That ^^ is actually a fantastic link, and you should all check out Neil Gaiman’s speech.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hm. I’m going to paste and I have no idea what’s going to come out…..aaaand…..nothing. Again….nothing. Nothing is coming out. Somebody get me a book to read while I wait….

Cupcake's avatar

“I see”, said the blind man to his deaf wife as their dog with no legs got up and ran away. He pissed in the wind and said “It all comes back to me now.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

“I see,” said the blind man, who couldn’t see at all, as he picked up his hammer a saw.

Brian1946's avatar

Finally, something to paste: that’s an address that I entered for blocking.

Certainly was worth the wait. ;-p

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m so excited about that post @Brian1946 that I can’t see straight!

She still hasn’t responded to my last question. Today I thought of this and posted it on that same thread:

“Tiff~ This caused me to remember when I owned the mower shop from 2002–2006. (40 years ago I would have been laughed out of the bank for going to ask for a business loan. Especially a business loan for a mower shop because I’m a woman. But this women’s rights crap came along and today, for the most part we’re treated as equally as the men… usually.) Anyway, the shop was an extremely male-oriented environment. Most of the time I was in the office keeping the records, but sometimes, if we were busy, I’d go back and help the guys, sharpening chains, tuning up push mowers. It’s not rocket science. But there was this one customer in particular, an older guy from the generation before mine, who just LOST it if he saw me in the back working on a mower! He would literally pull me away and say “This is no kind of work for a woman!” He was just adamant.
I didn’t say anything, just kind of shook my head and rolled my eyes when he wasn’t looking, and when he left I told my husband and our other mechanic, basically “All his lawn mowers are mine!” I could command that because I was the boss. When he brought something in, they’d give it to me.
It just cracked me up the way he ranted and raved about what a good job the “guys” did on his equipment! If he’d ever found out it was me, we probably would have lost a customer. He never got that Woman’s Rights Crap memo.”

I’m kinda hoping that she’ll ask why my husband didn’t keep the books and I do all the mechanic work. That will give me a chance to say “You know. Good question. I have an aptitude for mechanics. In middle school they gave us these aptitude tests. My highest score, at 98, was in engineering. However, I was strongly discouraged from taking shop classes because I was a girl, so I never did.
Rick, on the other hand, has been in to mechanics since his dad handed him a wrench when he was old enough to work one.
Different world, and one that I’m sure is hard for you to imagine.”

She has all those benefits that woman in previous generations worked so HARD to secure for her, and she doesn’t even know what those benefits are. She takes them for granted. Calls them “crap.”

Sorry. I’m still angry at her upbringing.

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