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talljasperman's avatar

After all of the minerals/metals are mined in the planet then what?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) May 2nd, 2013

If the whole world is mined in to separate piles according to the periodic table then what do we make with the piles. What would you build, if the entire contents of the planet, and maybe the moon, where instantly available for use to build something really cool? My bid is for cool Earth sized spaceship, with a portable sun and solar system.

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14 Answers

glacial's avatar

Next, we start mining the landfills.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Then we get serious about colonizing and mining the moon, Mars and the asteroid belt.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Mine my last neighbor’s backyard, where they threw all the empty cans,.

marinelife's avatar

Then we mine the asteroids.

Jeruba's avatar

@talljasperman, I don’t think anybody’s reading your details.

Rarebear's avatar

We have a cool Earth-sized spaceship. It’s called “Earth”.

Coloma's avatar

I will be Captain Coloma, sign up now for your trip to another world. Leave all the strategic planning to me, we shall colonize a new world. Well..I won’t be part of the brood stable, I will be the madam of the herd. lol

gondwanalon's avatar

I like your idea of an Earth size spaceship and portable sun. To make it happen though you would need nearly infinite amount of energy. Harnessing the power from controlled fusion reactions might do it. Unfortunately that is something I will not live long enough to see.

Keep dreaming of new ideas!

WestRiverrat's avatar

I read it. After we get the earth’s resources all mined we will go looking for somewhere else to mine.

Random1324's avatar

Humans would most likely start another war over those minerals.
Or, world peace and creating a vehicle capable of space travel in light years, and after that, First Contact happens.

rojo's avatar

Onward! To the next planet!

And beyond!

Inspired_2write's avatar

What would you build, if the entire contents of the planet, and maybe the moon, where instantly available for use to build something really cool?
A replicated Earth BEFORE it was mined to death.
Then Earth sized spaceships are next.

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