General Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Is it true that Siamese cats are notorious for not getting along with other cats?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) May 3rd, 2013

My partner’s uncle brought this up and I was wondering what you thought.

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15 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

No, I’ve seen them with other cats and they got along just fine. I had a client that had tons of them with other cats.

Luiveton's avatar

If they’re used to being raised alone then they won’t get along with other cats, even of the same breed—I had a Siamese cat that did not like other cats. Used to attack them.

After the first one left us…I later got 2 Siamese kittens, raised them together. They get along just fine, always playing together etc. I don’t know if they’ll be friendly with other cats though, they might or might not be. Each cat or kitten has a unique personality, in a way.

JLeslie's avatar

That’s the rumour at least. They have a reputation of not being lovey snuggly cats in general. Although, I did meet one siamese that was affectionate. One. I am a cat person, they usually come up to me, but siamese seem to be more aloof. Other breeds are much more sociable from what I have experienced. Maine Coon especially.

Random1324's avatar

Depends on personality, interactions with another of their family, etc… How much sunlight shines on them… >_>
I’ve met a lot of cats. Some hate me on sight, some love me on sight. Just like humans, except on four legs, fur, night vision, etc. All different!

syz's avatar


rojo's avatar

I have had cats ever since I can remember (one is leaning on my arm now as I type) but only had one Saimese. It merely tolerated other cats but was no more or less aloof than others that I have had in my life. I think it is a cat thing, not a breed thing.

Pachy's avatar

It’s certainly true of mine. He gets into terrible battles with other cats, though fortunately through windows and glass doors. Only once did he do paw-to-paw combat with another cat, and it wasn’t pretty.

However, I suspect his animus toward other animals has more to do with having always lived alone indoors, never developing feline social skills, rather than about his breed (he’s mixed).

KNOWITALL's avatar

In my experience, it’s more of a “I don’t give a rats behind, leave me alone.”-type attitude.

Coloma's avatar

No. I love Siamese and have had 4 of them over the years, including my newest female that is 4 in June. She is a sweetheart, and gets along great with my other cat. Siamese are smart, sweet and very independent cats.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

No, it just depends on the cat. One of my best friends has two Meezers and they’re very affectionate with each other and people.

Coloma's avatar

I couldn’t resist putting my little Tortie Point Siamese ” Mia” in my avatar. Feel free to say how cute she is. lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh wow those eyes are so beautiful. I’m not a big cat fan but that is a beautiful cat. I’d love that girl.

Coloma's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe She’s a sweetheart. Big fat bummer though, she ran into a big bush of poison oak today, no cuddles tonight. I wiped her down but am mega paranoid. My old property was P.O. free for the most part. lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Watch out for the P.O. It’s in the oils on her coat.

Coloma's avatar

Oh yeah, I am very susceptible to the evils of poison oak. lol

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