Social Question

[NSFW] How hungry would you have to be? See details.
No really, there is food value in the money shot, whether it be guy goo or girl grease. And the little we currently know about the twat shot suggest that skirt squirt is not only a fascinating phenomenon but that it also is far more nutritious than your everyday female sex sauce. It is right up there with man milk in protein content.
But in today’s hyper hygienic climate lots of lovers, even the ones willing to use their heads, often finish the messy part by hand before dashing off to the bathroom to wash all the disgusting signs of their partner’s ecstasy off. Not very romantic, I think.
So are you one who disdains the liquids of love, or one who sucks sex secretions up with delight? Assuming your mate actually could provide serving after serving on demand, no rest and recovery period required, how hungry would you have to be to chugalug cum after cum from your honey bun?