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flutherother's avatar

Which films do you think were too long?

Asked by flutherother (35017points) May 5th, 2013

Pace is very important in the cinema but sometimes directors get it wrong and a good film which was well paced at the start drags towards the end. Have you noticed any examples of this, old or new.

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40 Answers

chyna's avatar

The Talented Mr. Ripley with Matt Damon and Gwyneth Paltrow. I tried watching it recently and it drug on and on. I still haven’t finished it.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Funny People. Amazing cast, horrible movie. Any comedy over 1½ hours is too long. It’s the only movie I almost walked out on at the theater.

Call me crazy, but I wasn’t too impressed with Gone With the Wind either. Snore fest.

My favorite long movie was The Green Mile. Amazing film.

ragingloli's avatar

the 2009 star trek movie. 5 minutes would have been more than enough.

Pachy's avatar

So interesting how differently people react to a film. Me, I liked “Funny People” a lot. Yes, it was filled with many “ugh” moments and scenes and certainly could have been shorter. But I thought Sandler gave his most (maybe only) mature film performance, there were lots of real-feeling moments between his and Rogen’s characters, and the theme, a man coping with mortality resonated with me.

Pachy's avatar

Melancholia. I’ve watched it several times and like it very much, but OMG!, wanting to see the ending (even though you know from the start what it is) takes a lot of patience.

I think all of Terrence Malick’s films are too long, including Tree of Life. That one I didn’t have the patience to sit all the way through, beautifully filmed as it was.

janbb's avatar

The last in “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy. It was like they were loath to let go of it.

“Les Miserable” went on interminably although I enjoyed it in the beginning.

cheebdragon's avatar

Saving private Ryan, braveheart, the Blair witch project…

I also feel like 99% of Daft Punk songs are entirely too fucking long, I love some of their songs, but I still can’t listen to one of them for longer than 3min.

rebbel's avatar

9½ Weeks

keobooks's avatar

While watching most of Titanic, I kept thinking to myself “Blah blah blah… when does the damn iceberg show up?” Also, you don’t have a three + hour movie with tons of scenes with dripping, streaming and spraying water at the end. It just reminds you that you haven’t gone to the bathroom in a very long time.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Lord of the Rings. I never got into those movies when they came out but being the huge nerd I am I figured I should try and watch them. I felt like everything could have been summed up in about half the time with 90% less walking scenes. It took me forever to get through those movies cause I kept falling asleep from boredom.

The Dark Knight Rises was also needlessly long and shitty.

cookieman's avatar

I was digging this Spielberg flick until it apparently ended. Yaay, decent sci fi — but no, screen comes back up to “thousands of years later” and it’s like a whole new movie begins.

marinelife's avatar

Dances with Wolves

janbb's avatar

“Around the World in 80 Days”? (Actually, have never seen it.)

dabbler's avatar

@marinelife Seconding “Waterworld”, what a drip! It could have succeeded as a five-minute youtube.

janbb's avatar

@dabbler I agree although post-Sandy I have a little bit of a different take on it.

cheebdragon's avatar

@uberbatman I 2nd the dark knight, I couldn’t make it past the first 20 min I was so bored.

@dabbler lol I think that’s what they did with the universal studios show right?

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Out of Africa” came to mind…it was a good movie but sooooo long.

Pachy's avatar

@janbb is absolutely correct about “Around the World.” I watched it a few months ago for the first time since it came out and couldn’t believe how long and overblown it was. I can’t believe it won five Oscars, including Best Picture, in ‘57

Dutchess_III's avatar

People had longer attention spans in the 50’s. Occasionally I come across Reader’s Digests from the 50’s. The articles are MUCH longer and more dry and serious than they are today.

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III Although I think in general longer movies are a more recent phenomenon except for exceptions like GWTW.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Good movie. GREAT book!

CWOTUS's avatar

All of Michael Moore’s.

lookingglassx3's avatar

Pearl Harbor. As much as I love this movie, towards the end it does drag so much. The first two hours: brilliant. As soon as it gets to the Americans planning to bomb Japan, it really is unnecessarily long. What could have been a ten minute segment is a forty minute effort.

Also, Avatar. I’ve only seen it once, years ago, and can’t for the life of me remember the plot, but I remember reaching the two hour mark and preparing to just leave the room.

My favourite long movies are probably Downfall or The Skin I Live In, simply because I have to rely on subtitles and therefore the films needs my full attention – and I still don’t get bored.

dabbler's avatar

@lookingglassx3 Agreed, ‘Avatar’ was entirely too long… they could have cut 30 to 60 minutes out somewhere past the middle and it would have made all the same points but kept the pace.

keobooks's avatar

I never saw it, but my husband said that “Seven Years in Tibet” felt like it took seven years to watch.

Berserker's avatar

@uberbatman I felt like everything could have been summed up in about half the time with 90% less walking scenes.

Lol. Dude, you should write reviews for movies. Never thought of it…but that is so true.

Pachy's avatar

“Lawrence of Arabia” is a looooooong movie that as far as I’m concerned could be as much longer as director David Lean would have liked because it’s sooooo wonderful. A masterpiece of script, direction, casting, acting, cinematography and soundtrack.

Dutchess_III's avatar

WHY did the thought “Gilbert of Arabia” just pop into my head? I am so strange sometimes.

Bellatrix's avatar

The Place Between the Pines. Watched it this weekend. The film was okay. Good story. Still it went on so long I was thinking – is this ever going to end! I just checked and it was only 140 minutes but it felt much longer.

flutherother's avatar

@Bellatrix I saw the Place Between the Pines this weekend and thought it was excellent but I felt the pace slowed down towards the end spoiling an otherwise great piece of work. This is what led to me asking this question in fact.

Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you @flutherother. I agree with you. There were some elements they could have cut back to bring up the pace. I thought Ben Mendelsohn was wonderful, as usual. Such a great actor.

flutherother's avatar

I liked Ryan Gosling and Ray Liotta also and whoever played the kids towards the end but two hours and twenty minutes was a bit too long.

serenade's avatar

Rescue Dawn Yawn

analystguy38's avatar

i found that les mis was way to long although the musics was good, and i would say the last three star wars movies(episodes 1–3).

El_Cadejo's avatar

@analystguy38 30 seconds of any of the prequel star wars films was FAR too much. And honestly the end of Episode 3 could have been good if it just ended with Vader’s mask going on and the first breath but instead we get this

OpryLeigh's avatar

I love the idea of The Lord of The Rings films but, in reality, I found them way too long. My brother and I went to the cinema to see the first one on Christmas Eve, at one point I was starting to think the film wouldn’t finish in time for Christmas Day.

cheebdragon's avatar

Dude where’s my car….actually, anything staring Ashton kutcher is way too long.

keobooks's avatar

Maybe I’d feel differently about this movie if I watched it when I wasn’t 8 months pregnant, very uncomfortable and constantly had to pee during the movie. I watched Inception in this state. I kept looking at my watch going “WHY is this movie still going on?” I kept getting up to go to the bathroom so I was losing the plot line. I had no idea what was going on in that movie and I just wanted it to end. It turned out that 3 out of the 4 people I saw the movie with were just as confused as I was and they didn’t get up to pee every 5 minutes.

Seriously… that movie felt to me like it was just .. happening.. .and I was surprised when it ended because it didn’t seem to slow down or wind up or feel like it was ending. It just ended.

tedibear's avatar

Gandhi. Great movie, important story, but about a ½ hour too long.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room I found the first hour-and-a-half fairly funny, aside from the fact that they were trying to make dying of cancer humorous. I especially liked the stand-up scenes. But no comedy should be 2+ hours long. They had a perfectly good ending (when Sandler’s character was cured), but decided to add another hour. Why?! I’m a fan of Adam Sandler, Seth Rogan, and Leslie Mann and I loved how many other celebrities appeared for a cameo, I just found the last hour pointless, stupid, and awkward.

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