I am hungover and my jacket is missing. Where do I start to search?
My jacket with my car keys and only phone is missing. Last night, I went out with some girls I have been friends with forever, and we went downtown. They introduced me to some friends who introduced me to some friends.
Today, I woke to find two women’s jackets on the chair I normally put my coat on. My jacket and phone are missing. In my wallet I have bar receipts from several bars. In these jackets I found some business cards which I have already emailed. I reek of women’s perfume and am hungover. Where should I start the search for my jacket?
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29 Answers
Call the girls with whom you were drinking and see if they remember anything. They might even have your stuff.
EDIT: That is, if you have their numbers written down anywhere other than in your phone, and can get to a friend’s phone to call.
Are you trying out for a part in the next movie? They’ve made three so far, why not a fourth.
I can find my cellphone with an app on a webpage. The phone checks in once an hour and gives a GPS location. Actually I’ve got two, one is through the phone company.
Check with Verizon, they are my service.
The first place you stopped.
I think if you were going to lose your jacket, it was probably early in the night. I have no good reason to believe this.
Also, try calling your phone. Maybe one of the girls happened to pick up your jacket instead of her own.
Is your car in its normal parking space?
@bkcunningham my car is I suppose still at the first bar. I need to get my jacket to get the keys to pick up the car. I have a spare car available.
I just hope you weren’t driving in that condition. I’d look in my car.
It’s under your bed, to the left.
I think there may be a larger underlying issue here aside from the lost jacket…
Contact the bars that you have receipts for. Call the girls and see how you got home. Ask that person to check their vehicle for your jacket.
You could also call your phone number and see if anyone answers.
@uberbatman I wouldn’t say so. So he went partying one night. BFD. He’s a consenting adult, he wasn’t driving and no one got hurt. A temporarily misplaced jacket is no big deal.
FWIW, when I am out at the bar, I tend to put all of my valuables in the trunk of my car, and give my keys to my designated driver. So if I ever feel like I’ve lost something, someone can remind me it’s in my trunk. ^_^ This includes my ID and everything. Get the wristband, put the purse in the trunk. Done.
You think that’s something? I once lost a whole trunk!
@marinelife FTW. Found it in a bar from one of the receipts.
Now I have to find a way to return these jackets.
Did you find your car too?
It’s after lunch. Any update on the phone/jacket/car?
Probably Lost in the Ozone again
Apparently you picked up the ladies jackets thinking they were yours.
Which begs the question: Why did you think a pink paisley jacket was yours?
Is it the jacket covering the face of the dead hooker that got run over last night?
The Jacket was in a really fancy bar downtown.
The car was at the first bar I went to last night, unmoved. I have asked the ladies I originally met to put out feelers on Facebook to see if anyone fesses up to driving me home last night.
Yes. Usually when I skip dinner and bar hop with women. Thank you for your concern, but don’t worry.
It is very dangerous behavior, @Imadethisupwithnoforethought. I would hate to find out that you hurt yourself or someone else when you were suppose to be having fun. I’m going into mom mode to say, please, please, please, be responsible when you drink and don’t drink to a point that you don’t know what you are doing. You aren’t the first person that this has happened to.
I’m not trying to make you feel badly, guilt you or try to make you feel ashamed about past behavior you cannot change. I’m just pointing out the obvious and to be honest, I am asking you to not do harm to yourself or others. You are bright and fun to have around Fluther. I’d hate to lose you here. <3 Think about it, please.
For starters, after all that, I am sort of disappointed one of the girls was not at your place.
Wait!!! Two were at your place (two jackets, which redeems your situation) and they took your car to get coffee. Your jacket is in the car. The one who wasn’t driving took it off of you and jumped you in the back seat.
Take some aspirin, drink lots of water, and hope they bring you back a Vente Red Eye.
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