Meta Question

longgone's avatar

A question about lurve.

Asked by longgone (19859points) May 6th, 2013

If a response is modded, but had been awarded lurve points – are those taken away?

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7 Answers

Judi's avatar

I don’t think so but I’ll wait with you for an official response.

augustlan's avatar

Official response: Nope. You keep your lurve. :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Lurve is forever, like herpes.

syz's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Or glitter, the herpes of the craft world.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@syz You got that right. That stuff stays on you forever.

ETpro's avatar

@longgone Thanks for asking, because I was going to ask that, and now I already know. And Lurve for a great question, because every question I even think about asking is great—even if somebody else beats me to it. :-)

longgone's avatar

Thank you, @Judi. I was lonely before you came along!
@augustlan, thanks for the official answer and @ETpro, you’re welcome. and HA. I was first!
I will now start personal attacks on any Jelly I deem disliked by others to gather an incredible amount of lurve and thus take over the universe. Bye, everyone.

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