Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Are you more social than your partner? If so, how does that work in your relationship?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) May 6th, 2013

I’m definitely more social than my partner. We manage just fine.

How about y’all?

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15 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I am more social. I usually arrange our get togethers. I also express the need for sicialization more often. It works.

Sunny2's avatar

I’m more sociable. I don’t mind going to events by myself, but I hate it when he says he’ll go and then backs out. He agreed to tell me when it’s something he doesn’t want to do and then I can reply for 1 or 2. It works. If he goes and doesn’t want to be there, I’m aware of it and arrange to get us out of there as early as possible. We’re not connected at the hip.

filmfann's avatar

I freak out in crowds. I can’t deal with it.
My wife does much better, but is uncomfortable with it because of her deafness.

Bellatrix's avatar

We’re both extroverts and so are both quite social. Yet, at home we tend to be happy with our own company. I would organise more outings or social events than he would. He’s always happy to go along though.

El_Cadejo's avatar

We’re both introverts but she is far far more socially outgoing than me. I have no issues holding my own in conversations and things like that but I’d rather be alone or just hanging out with her. It works out fine but it does cause issues time to time when she wants to go out and I’d rather just stay home.

livelaughlove21's avatar

We’re both equally anti-social.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m much more social than my S/O, but if I give her a hand and help her out with the social stuff she comes out of her shell a bit.

Inspired_2write's avatar

When I was younger I was more social, but now I am more reserved and
What was important when I was younger is now not that important anymore.

josie's avatar

About the same

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

We are both introverts. He is fairly anti-social, and I’m closer to the center mark on on the scale between introversion and extroversion. We mainly happily stay in and to ourselves. When we go out, he asks me to do the bulk of interactions, like placing an order in a restaurant, paying, etc. If we are invited to attend a function, he has little interest in attending, but encourages me to go on my own. And I sometimes do. It works well, as we both end up happy.

DigitalBlue's avatar

I would say that my husband and I are both naturally introverted. I think the difference is that he tends to be more bashful where I am more outgoing, and he is more likely to enjoy socializing with a variety of people where I prefer to keep my tight knit group close. I’d say we’re equally social, just in different ways.

rojo's avatar

We are both introverted and while I am slightly more social she has more trust and belief in the human spirit.

bookish1's avatar

I am a born and bred introvert and I have only ever gotten along well dating other introverts. But I am still very social. I would prefer having a partner who was more social than I am, because someone who is less social than I am would be… pretty boring. I had some girlfriends in college who never wanted to hang out with people or go out and do things, practically shut-ins, and that became tiresome.

Headhurts's avatar

We are both very anti-social Neither of us have any friends and we don’t attend work parties. It suits us both.

KNOWITALL's avatar

My husband is the social one in our household, and I try to keep up as much as my personality will allow. I’m one of those people that needs to be ‘in the mood’ to party, but since I’m not clingy and happy with a book and my animals, it’s not a problem, he goes and does what he wants and I’m good with that. If I’m in the mood, I do the same.

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