Should I move on?
Me and my “boyfriend” have been together for 2 years. We live together and everything. We have had a very hard 2 years. My divorce and custody battle. And he has went through 2 custody battles. His mother and I used to be very close then all of a sudden she just stopped talking to me. He has now bought a new home and is fixing it up but still living with me while he does this. He said he is unsure if we can fix everything and he cant forget about the last 2 years. But like I said we had a lot of stress on us. Now that we are through all that stress, he doesn’t know. I even went as far as calling his mother and recording our conversation so he can hear how she speaks to me. I haven’t let him listen to it yet because I do not want to start anything. But I do want to keep him. Please tell me what to do. I do love this man with all my heart and his kids and mine would be devastated as would I if we truly split up.
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9 Answers
You need to talk with him, not us. If you think there is something there worth fighting for go for it.
Perhaps talk to him. Communication is the foundation of growth. Choose a space away from your home, a neutral space, and share that you feel the worst is over. And ask him how he feels about that. Ask him why he thinks his mother is angry with you? In this way you can assure him you will make your best effort to patch things up. Perhaps you are unaware of what has made her ignore you? Keeping quiet and building a chache of arms is probably not the best way to put out a fire.
The two of you definitely need to sit down and talk about things. I am concerned though because you said you’ve only been together for 2 years and that the whole time has been hard. It sounds like there has been a lot going on that may have contributed to the problems in your relationship. What types of things have happened that has caused problems between the two of you? What exactly does he say he can’t forget?
All the stress has caused problems between us… I was going through a divorce when we met. And he was going through a custody battle. about 3 months after he won his custody battle I started going through a custody battle of my own. Then his 13 year old decided she wanted to go back and live with her mother. So then there was that. Then he went through a second battle and got custody of those kids. On top of that, he is having to have neck surgery which is stressful, plus just raising 6 kids. We were always so good together and talked about everything until all the stress in our lives came up. He said he cant not forget all the issues we have went through (all the above)and he said after 2 years no body should go through all of that. I completely agree but we got together during the hardest times in our lives.
@helpme7221 You said, “We were always so good together and talked about everything until all the stress in our lives came up.”, but then you are also saying that this stress came at the same time as your relationship began. Did the two of you have any time together before all of this stuff happened? It sounds like you don’t really have a solid foundation and that could be why you are having such a hard time now. Only the two of you know what you want out of your relationship, so you will need to sit down and talk about it. I know life can get stressful, but how we handle that stress has a major impact on our relationships.
Did the two of you have any good times or was it all stress?
“Should I move on?”
evolve or die
If you cheated on him, I wouldn’t count on things working out.
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My heart goes out to you. From what you have shared so far, it sounds as if your partner needs some time apart. If you want to attempt to salvage the relationship, let him have it. And while he is figuring out his own feelings, focus on your own life without him.
Please keep us updated on the relationship status and how you are doing.
Ugh, mom’s and their sons, that get’s complicated because that’s generally the first woman they loved. I would say do NOT play the tape or bring his mom into the relationship discussion.
If he’s still living with you the conversation should happen (together or not) or he can go live with mama, why wait to see what happens. Just remember, a mixed household, all the stress, the mom not liking you, that’s a lot to deal with, so before you ask any questions, be prepared for the answers. Good luck.
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