General Question

Rockstar0224's avatar

What is the best football team in the NFL?

Asked by Rockstar0224 (213points) May 7th, 2013

I think the 49ers

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12 Answers

gambitking's avatar

HOUSTON TEXANS . that is all

marinelife's avatar

Baltimore Ravens are undisputed kings until next year’s super bowl!

elbanditoroso's avatar

No such thing. The team that is “best” today could easily be in last place the 4th week of the season. It happens all the team.

The “best” team right now is one that was good in the past. But past performance is no indicator of current or future results.

Bottom line – it changes, and it doesn’t matter.

ragingloli's avatar

Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Chontae Chiarraí

linguaphile's avatar

The teams I root for: Broncos and Ravens.

Unfortunately, the first game of the season is… Broncos v. Ravens. Choices…. Choices….

Sunny2's avatar

Go Niners!

Blondesjon's avatar

The Green Bay Packers

horribly offensive remark about the niners redacted

simone54's avatar

Everyone but the Eagles.

Berserker's avatar

Those ones that attack the opposing team with rusty battle axes.

DeanV's avatar

Since everyone else is throwing their objective best in, I’ll say Seattle Seahawks.

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