Social Question

Do you find it almost impossible to watch animal rights/animal activism videos?
The times I’ve watched animal rights videos by groups like PETA, the images of torture have just seared themselves into my brain. So much, so that it’s almost impossible for me to watch any more of them and I am usually tempted, but know I’ll end up traumatized.
I’ve watched farm animals getting treated roughly, having their babies taken away from them and the babies’ treatment is no better. I’ve watched videos on leg traps holding foxes for days in freezing weather, the hunter coming to club the fox to death and the fox totally bugging out as soon as the hunter pulls up and gets out of his vehicle. I’ve watched dogs crammed into crates in either China or Korea, and the crates are piled 20 feet high and then, when the trucks arrive at the dog meat market, the crates are thrown from the top of the pile so that the dogs in the cages have their legs broken when they crash to the ground. I’ve seen skinny dogs (greyhounds?) with their legs tied behind their backs (imagine how that must feel) and a can put onto their snouts to keep their mouths shut. I’ve seen other stuff that’s too numerous and detailed to go into here, now.
Do you also feel traumatized and upset seeing animal rights videos? Do you try to avoid watching them?