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Should I send this to my husband's cousin who is in the hospital?
Bless her heart. She was an Olympic class gymnast until she had an accident on the beam and broke her ankle when she was about 15. It was a major injury. She’s about 35 now. The doctor who treated her when she broke it declined to use antibiotics and it became badly infected. From a fb post: “Years ago, as an athlete, she suffered a horrible ankle injury, and if that wasn’t enough, she developed a post-op infection that a doctor ignored. We took her AMA to another hospital but Osteomyelitis had invaded her entire body, it was very touch and go for some time. Missy remained hospitalized for months.” It was a battle, but they saved her foot, but she has been in awful pain since. She finally made the decision to let them amputate, which they did, from the knee on down.
Her attitude has been amazing. She was scared, but looking on the bright side. Some of her fb posts read “I feel like I will be set free and I am ready to start this new life!” and “12 more days! Hmmm…..would rather be having a baby in 12 days, at least I know how to do that! OK so here is what I am going to do! Each day before my surgery I am going to list something that I am going to be able to do! Here goes for today! I will be able to RUN!! Also, it is very interesting all the stories my family and friends have told me recently about people they see with BKA (below the knee amputation)...Jacqie told me she saw a daddy carrying his two little ones into the Ranger game and he had a prosthetic and she didn’t even notice at first. Mark met a man yesterday who showed him all kinds of things he could do like jumping on two feet and he wanted Mark to go with him right then and there and meet the lady who makes his prosthetic legs! My Grandma would say this is an adventure! So that is how I am looking at it!”
As a “present” I’d like to send her This hilarious video of Flip Wilson as Geraldine, who is a nurse, and Bill Cosby playing a patient.
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