Had any buyers remorse lately?
Perhaps, recently or in the last few years?
I purchased two items a week ago, and now I’m thinking “why did I do that?”..
Are you an impulse buyer?
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The only things I really buy on impulse are cheap local concert tickets, and food. A few months ago, I was pretty disappointed by a concert I attended, but at least I got to get out and be around people and dance.
For items like clothing, shoes, gadgets, etc., I try to wait for a while and do research to keep myself from buying something that I really don’t need or which won’t be useful to me.
What are you experiencing buyer’s remorse about, @Mama_Cakes ?
I know some is coming. Big time buyer’s remorse. We are looking for a house, and even the looking process gives me anticipatory buyer’s remorse.
The only thing close to it in the recent past was deciding to pay for a hotel room instead of using a free certificate. I’m still not sure it was the right choice. Also, paying more for a hotel at a race track we are going to in a few weeks that will probably be a crappy room and it is costing me $150 more overall than staying 15 miles away at a more reliable chain. We’ll see if it was a good choice or not soon.
Edit: My buyer’s remorse usually has more to do with how expensive something is, or if there were two choices that were very similar and hard to choose between the two. I don’t relate to impulse buying that much for myself. I also don’t buy much impulsively I guess.
In the past, if you looked up the expression “Impuse Buyer” or “Early Adopter” in any reference book, my photo sat right next to the definition. And I don’t mean the photo on the left. Had I saved, invested and spent my money more wisely in earlier days, I’d be living in a three-story mansion writing this comment on a platinum-plated computer. I’m wiser now, but only living in a two-story house writing on a two-rear old iMac. As for buyer’s remorse, yes, for many things I’ve bought or currently own, but neither this little house, my computer nor the hot tub in my back yard.
@bookish1 Nothing major. Just a shelf and a few decorative jars.
I only had a tinge of buyers remorse once, after I ordered my Z-28. I put everything I could possibly put in that car to make it go fast and perform. I went back to work and wondered if I should have spent that much money. Then I went to pick it up. It was beautiful. I turned the key and it was completely gone. That was the most fun car I ever drove.
Funny you should ask…
I’m not an impulsive (or compulsive) buyer by any means as I hate shopping (unless it’s for books, but I’ve gotten better at not spending more than I should, thanks to Amazon and Half), but last night I went out for dinner with some really good friends from work and it was a very expensive meal (by my standards, at least, especially considering the travel and bridesmaid expenses I have coming up within the next few weeks for a friend’s wedding). It was a farewell dinner for a great friend who’s moving away for a while, the food was really, really good and the atmosphere and company were amazing, so it was kind of a justified expense, but I still have this twisted feeling in my stomach from having spent so munch money on one meal.
Well, sort of, but not really.
Yesterday I swung by the craft store to pick up some canvases for the painting class I’m teaching this weekend. Had my 40% off coupon in hand.
Turned out that the craft store was selling easels at 50% off! Rock on! I don’t have an easel!
I picked up one that looked like it served my needs. It appeared to be $19.95 regular price by how it was laying on the shelf.
I checked out. The price seemed a little high, but I was anxious to get home so I didn’t worry about it.
When home, I checked the receipt. $18.99 for my easel? That’s not half off… I called the craft store. Turned out the thing was mis-shelved. The regular price was $37.99.
So… bummed that it wasn’t as cheap as I thought, but it’s still an awesome easel.
A Realtor called me just this morning about my interest in selling our rental house. We bought it in 2008 just before the housing bust, and it has been valued at ½ of what we paid for it ever since. The prices are just now beginning to creep up.
After paying 25% down and five years of monthly payments, we might be able to get a little less than we owe on the balance. The agent said a motivated buyer would pay all the closing costs. (yeah, right) So the bottom line is if we pay $10,000 to cover the difference they might be interested.
To tell the truth, if I had that much money, I would rather buy a house closer to me for my son and his family and rent the other one out to someone else.
We refinanced both of our mortgages last year, and the interest rates have continued to go down. If only we had waited another few months…..
I never buy anything :( I bought a pineapple that I’ve been avoiding cutting, so there’s that..
@deni Cut that damn pineapple. I just (20 minutes) tossed a once perfectly delicious mango because I avoiding cutting. True story.
@Mama_Cakes Alright I’ll cut it tonight and it’ll be so juicy and good. I always wait a few more days than I think I should, and it is always ooooh soooo sweeeeeeeeeet….
Almost a year ago we bought ferry tickets to take our trailer to Alaska and come back on the AlCan highway.
We ended up buying some acerage and we are building a yoga building and the trip cut right in the middle of building season.
Luckily we were able to cancel with only a $10 fee. Oh well, maybe next summer.
I loathe shopping for just about anything, large or small (except books and art supplies). Sometimes that makes me rush the process just to get it over with, often with poor results, and sometimes I just give up and don’t buy anything at all. But in the last few years we’ve had to replace three major appliances, and I hate all of them. They are significantly crappier, and were significantly more expensive, than their very much out-of-date and ultimately broken-down predecessors. Foo. Stove, refrigerator, and washing machine. Foo.
At least the car I dilly-dallied over for a year has turned out to be quite satisfactory. I still miss my old one for sentimental reasons, but the new one is just fine.
I rarely ever buy something I feel remorseful about. I have great taste and know what I like. lol
I have bought things though that I later felt were a waste. They didn’t work right or get used much or enough to justify the purchase, also I am bad about returning things and just eat the cost at times.
Most recently I bought a harness for my cast that didn’t fit well, it was too small and I still have it, I would like to just give it away but I don’t know anyone that needs a small dog harness that is too small for a large cat. lol
Easily my biggest buyer’s indulgence is buying books that I might or might not read. They look interesting but they stack up faster than I go through them. In the last few years I’ve gotten better and mostly get books that get read but I still find myself pawing through the piles to make room for more and feeling guilty about the few I didn’t even crack open.
I read a lot but just don’t have time to keep up with reading all the incoming books and magazines and… addictive social web sites.
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