Do you get any Squishies mixed up with other Squishies?
Asked by
janbb (
May 9th, 2013
For some reason, keobooks and GeekyMama blend together a bit in my mind. Both young mothers, articulate, working. Made me wonder if other Jellies confuse a few others…..
Just for fun and no nastiness, please.
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66 Answers
Usually not the regulars, but once and awhile I might mix up some of our newer members. The most embarrassing things I usually save for PMs.
When I’m on my mobile, I have to double-take between @adirondakwannabe and @glacial, just because their avatars are the same beautiful blue colour.
Sometimes, but not often, a lot of the personalities here are very distinct- lol
I do the same with GeekyMama and keobooks, @janbb. I use to have trouble mixing up Coloma and Dutchess for some reason. bob and filmfann are similar to me for whatever reason. And Aster and another jelly, I can’t remember her name now-the one with such perfect grammar- I think she may be an editor. I use to get them mixed up in my mind.
If I’m not paying enough attention, I’ll read an answer from blondesjon as if it were jonsblond.
Obviously I know the difference but since jonsblond is significantly more active on Fluther than her hubby, I just automatically ascribe an answer from any name in the “blond” family to her.
I can confuse Symbeline with Seek_Kohlinar just because of the S in their names.
The many Zen-like names often confuse me (at a glance); and for some reason “Mr. Entropy” and “Lucky Guy” are cloudy to me, but since they mean very different things, I can only blame poor brain power.
I don’t know if it counts, but I got Worried Guy and Lucky Guy mixed up in my head. I JUST carefully read Lucky Guy’s bio and I found out they really are the same Guy. Oops.
They are? That’s news to me :)
So where does Hungry Guy figure in in all of this?
Now I’m totally confused ???
@keobooks But are you Keobooks or GeekyMama for real?
I don’t mind at all getting mixed up with GeekyMama, but as far as I know, we are two separate people. Though I never see her in the same room with me….
Often briefly mistake @sunny2 & @jleslie, bright yellow avatars being the only reason.
I sometimes mix up the gawjus gals on here too, but only because i’m a sucker for a pretty face :-)
@Seek_Kolinahr Even I sometimes do a double-take between @Adirondackwannabe and me. It might be time for the two of us to have a duel to the death over our banners.
Yes, I’ll 3rd? 4th? the suggestion that @glacial and @Adirondackwannabe‘s avatars can catch me out sometimes. Other than that I can’t think of anyone I get confused.
@glacial Ok, apparently we have an issue. I’m calling you out. How tall are you?
I am in sooo much trouble.
@glacial Do you think I have a mean bone in my body? I was thinking of Abe’s answer to a 5“6” politician that challenged him to a duel. Abe suggested sledge hammers in 6 feet of water.
<grabs the popcorn and settles in to watch the duel>
I occasionally get those two dueling ones ^^ mixed up, and I’ll add digitalblue in there for a third similar avatar. I see blue out of the corner of my eye, then have to take a closer look.
@Seek_Kolinahr and @Simone_de_Beauvior
Maybe your names are not all that similar but it gets me sometimes.
I get @WillWorkForChocolate and myself confused all the time. She’s funny, cute, adorable, a flirt, loves chocolate, is funny, very intelligent, a defender of humanity, funny, beautiful, humble, sweet, funny, strong, funny and modest. Sometimes she posts something, I read it and and I think, “Gawd, when did I post that? That is really good.” Then I realize it wasn’t me, but her and I think, “She read my mind.” We are both clairvoyant too.
See? There I go again! ^^^
All right, I’ve changed. What saith the collective?
@glacial I didn’t want you changing without talking with me. I have some other photos I could use. And if the collective looks close mine is a lake and mountains in the background. I don’t see it as confusing.
@Adirondackwannabe Nah, I’ve been feeling like a change for a while now anyway. Thanks, though. :)
@glacial, you remind me of someone. Hmm I can’t quiet put my flipper on it though.
@bkcunningham Shhh! If we don’t say anything, she’ll never notice!!
@glacial Okay, if you want to switch it back let me know. I have the exact same shot from three days later in a major snowstorm.
I don’t know why people get so confused over avatars.
@glacial No, I know what’s important to stand my ground for. Some things aren’t important, some things are.:)
it’s not so bad on a computer, but those avatars are really really tiny on a little phone screen :)
And they don’t get any larger if you click on them in the way that they do on regular computer, unfortunately.
@Buttonstc She’s always twisting my tail. I don’t mind. I like it. :)
Ever hear of copy/paste? Or are you just pulling her leg?
I’m assuming it was copied from Fluther.
The blonds do it to me all the time, and anyone with a default avatar confuses me.
@glacial AACCCKKKK!!!
Hey you, stay offa my berg!
@janbb Whatever could you mean?
You know bloody well what I mean!
@glacial But you think being @Penguinwannabe is better?
@janbb Well now I’m back to the avatar drawing board, dammit.
@glacial I’m really just kidding. You’re more than welcome to share my berg any time.
I’ve always really been @skeevykittywannabe.
@janbb I suppose that unless I begin drawing my own images, I may as well accept my role as an incorrigible pilferer of images and ideas. Perhaps the penguin will return one day.
@janbb Gotta love Lawren Harris. :)
@glacial, perhaps it’s just me but unless I enlarge it, it looks a little like a clown hat. I like it when I go to your profile though.
@Bellatrix Careful, last time I antagonized her the mean girls in the hood ganged up on me.
Ha… I am one of the mean girls in the hood. I just missed that escapade :D
I’m not ganging up, I’m giving her a different perspective. Does my avatar look like poppies?
@Bellatrix To me, it looks like blood-red clouds on an otherwise clear day.
I’m surprised about the clown hat… I thought most people would take it for a pencil. :)
@Bellatrix I like that. It does look like poppies. And I caught your smart comment later.:)
@Bellatrix I thought it was a cake or something like that. Enlarged I love it.
So @glacial, pencil, clown hat or cake… this is a bit like one of those rorschach tests. Says something about how we think.
I quite like the idea of blood red clouds. Sort of macabre… but I’m glad you see poppies @Adirondackwannabe. They’re my favourite flower but of course symbollic too in a way that matters to me.
@Bellatrix Yeah, but I think it will take a while for me to settle on an image. I’m just trying things on.
I can’t tell any of the members apart that have ‘guy’ in their name.
Isn’t there a worriedguy, luckyguy, lonelyguy, etc ?
I can’t disclose the other people I mix up because I’m fairly close with both and don’t want to hurt feelings.
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