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Dutchess_III's avatar

Remember Baby Jessica?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 10th, 2013

She was 18 months old in 1987 and fell down a wellnews/2013/05/10/18169651-from-baby-jessica-to-the-chilean-miners-miracle-survivals-and-escapes?lite (Why isn’t it hiding the link?) and was trapped for about 3 days. Talk about the country being riveted to the TV. When she fell in, she fell in such a way that one leg was trapped against her body, foot point toward her head. Reading the article now, they’re saying it was wedged in a crevice. I remember them thinking they might just yank her out, even though it was going to break her leg. _“Rescuers ultimately chose to drill a tunnel parallel to the well and connect a shaft through solid rock to rescue her.” I cried like a baby when they finally pulled her out.

I’m reading an article on her, 20 years later She has no memory of the incident. I thought this was interesting: ”Not until she was five years old — more than three years after the rescue effort that captivated the nation and the world — did she learn her own story. She was watching an episode of “Rescue 911” about a little girl trapped in a well and was moved to tears by it. She asked her stepmother — her parents, Cissy and Chip McClure, had divorced by then — about the girl and was told it was her.” From this article

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10 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

I remember that, it was very intense and the whole nation was interested. It’s probably a good thing she has no memory of it, bless her little heart.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How old were you at the time @KNOWITALL?

Seek's avatar

@Dutchess_III if you surround the link with [these things] it’ll work.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III About 14 years old.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll remember that @Seek_Kolinahr. Thanks.

@KNOWITALL Huh! I would have guessed you were about 22 or 23…not even born in 1987!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Nope, I was actually born on the anniversary of Roe Vs Wade, yep, I’m 40 yrs old. I don’t party too hard and don’t have kids, maybe that’s it…lol, plus I stay out of the sun, I’m like Casper up in heya.

cookieman's avatar

I remember that. I was sixteen.

It must be odd to be the center of this dramatic event that lives in so many people’s minds, but have no memory of it.

ucme's avatar

The wife loves the film they made of her story & chokes up every time, poor little kid.
I’ll admit it kinda gets to me too a little, i’m a sucker when it comes to kids.

ccrow's avatar

Oh yes, I remember; I cried too, when they got her out. My own kids were young then and I found it terribly upsetting.

Dutchess_III's avatar

1987 was the year I had my second baby. I was either pg, or had a newborn. Either way….OMG.

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