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Mama_Cakes's avatar

You couldn't pay me to _____?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) May 10th, 2013

Fill in the blank.

You couldn’t pay me to live in the bible belt.
(actually, the south to be honest)

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60 Answers

Judi's avatar

Go back to a 40 hour work week.

janbb's avatar

give up reading.

ragingloli's avatar

eat feces, drink semen from a cup

rojo's avatar

Take a Mods job.

Headhurts's avatar

Go to a party!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Drink my own urine (dirty hippies! lol)
Wipe butts for a living
Live anywhere colder than Missouri
To have a baby

@Mama_Cakes I think I resent that Bible Belt comment! lol

Pachy's avatar

You couldn’t pay me to watch any more movies or TV shows about the kidnapping of a woman or a terrorist bombing.

gailcalled's avatar

Move back to a city;
Get on an airplane;
Wear high-heels;
Eat meat;
Swim in chlorine.

thorninmud's avatar

Anything on this page is non-negotiable for me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

THAT was disgusting @thorninmud. What would posses people to do that to themselves?

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@thorninmud That’s some of the ugliest shit I’ve ever seen.

Berserker's avatar

Stick my tongue in someone’s ass.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Symbeline hahahaha, that is hilarious!

Berserker's avatar

It would also be freakin gross.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Symbeline So much I want to say that is inappropriate…lol

Judi's avatar

@thorninmud , I refuse to open that link!

thorninmud's avatar


You live in California, don’t you? Probably nothing you haven’t already seen.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was traumatizing, @Judi! DON’T LOOK!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Judi It’s not that bad, remind me of some of our interns here at the radio station…lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

Bet she looks. :)

Judi's avatar

The satellite guy is here right now hooking up my Internet. I don’t open any links right now because its just the iPhone E and takes forever to download. I don’t think I want to wait that long, especially if its pictures.

thorninmud's avatar

Chances are the satellite guy looks like some of the pictures

KNOWITALL's avatar

@thorninmud On the same topic, gauges stink I hear, true? Like rotting flesh, bacteria?

thorninmud's avatar

If I ever get close enough to find out, I’ll let you know.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@thorninmud Ditto, kinda like the look, but I’m sensitive to smells. Not on me of course.

FutureMemory's avatar

I was so horrified by one of the pics in @thorninmud‘s link I made it my avatar. [caption added by me].

rojo's avatar

@FutureMemory @Coloma was right in telling you to shave your scrotum???

Just wondering how she would know it felt soooo good

Judi's avatar

Still haven’t looked but he satellite guy is wearing jeans, a white t shirt, a big straw hat and is missing a front tooth.

cookieman's avatar

Depends. How much ya paying?

Honestly, with the exception of anything involving feces, urine, or sex with animals or children — I think I can be bought.

Judi's avatar

—@FutureMemory ‘s avatar was enough. Yuck.

ucme's avatar

…day could you, i’m a little short of cash.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@ragingloli and if its not in a cup…..? :P

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Well I was thinking “Wear really high heels” but I guess I’m pretty conservative that way.
@FutureMemory It’d make it easier to check if you had anything in your teeth.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Do not got to the gone wrong page unless you have a strong stomach. But that ass in the first row might make an interesting avatar.

Plucky's avatar

….lick @ucme‘s arse.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

There were some tattooed dicks. That would hurt!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

You couldn’t pay me to tattoo my dick. <looks down> Oh phew! Nevermind.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Serious answer: to live with my sister-in-law. (Either of them, but mainly, my husband’s sister.)

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Is that the one you’re watching the wee one for?

Mama_Cakes's avatar

lol. sorry. ;)

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Lie to my wife or do anything that would hurt my children.

Coloma's avatar

OMG! Wow, hey…I want devil skull plates and a porthole under my lip. Gah!
You couldn’t pay me enough to do any body modification either. I think I’d rather be a hooker for a day. lol

Berserker's avatar

Lol, lip window.

ucme's avatar

@Plucky seems to be perfectly happy to lick other arses though…ewww!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Ucme If it feels good do it, as the hippies say lol

glacial's avatar

@KNOWITALL Great, now this song is stuck in my head. ;)

ucme's avatar

Just a petty little post from @Plucky that served no real purpose…arsing around if you like.

FutureMemory's avatar

@rojo She told us once that she prefers her men that way.

Plucky's avatar

Lol, I haven’t licked anyone’s arse!

FutureMemory's avatar

If the woman just stepped out of the shower and did a particularly good job cleaning her ass I would consider it. I mean, it’s like right next to that other spot I’m already more than happy to lick..right?

ucme's avatar

oh, so you singled mine out for reasons known only to yourself, just as I thought.
just to be perfectly clear, i’m not referring to @FutureMemory tonguing my ring…mmkay!

Plucky's avatar

@ucme Lol, sorry, you were talking in some other thread about arse licking.

ucme's avatar

Well, I wasn’t, not really, just a throw away remark in response to @KNOWITALL‘s arse licking comment. Funny how folks relish pouncing on innocent little gestures…but still.

Plucky's avatar

Seriously though….

You couldn’t pay me to abuse anyone, ever…be it human or other animals.

ucme's avatar

You couldn’t pay me to hug @Plucky coz i’d do that shit for free :-)

Plucky's avatar

Aww, @ucme, I’d hug you for free too!

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