General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Good podcast recommendations?

Asked by tinyfaery (44280points) May 10th, 2013 from iPhone

I like philosophy, funny stuff, animals, science. Anything interesting and fun will do. I already listen to the Partially Examined Life, which I love.

So, whatcha got for me?

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13 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe is a great podcast that covers interesting topics with an aim towards science, logic, critical thinking and debunking nonsense. They even got to interview President Carter a few years ago.

nikipedia's avatar

Radiolab, This American Life, The Moth.

BhacSsylan's avatar

Similar to The Skeptic’s Guide above, but more silly, Caustic Soda is an awesome, awesome podcast which has quickly become my favorite. It lives up to its name in that the subject matter can get kind of gross (previous topics have included Cholera, Bed Bugs, Regicide, and Leprosy, among other things, and their tagline is “because learning is gross”), but the hosts (and myriad of guest hosts) are great and funny and very well informed.

Also similar lines, Stuff You Should Know is also one I listen to, though I’ve been getting less happy with them over time since compared to Caustic Soda and SGU they’re woefully uniformed and they don’t research their subjects nearly as well. But they’re still decent.

On ‘funny stuff’, there’s the Thrilling Adventure Hour which is, in their words, a “new-time podcast in the style of old-time radio”. Quite silly rotating segments with some awesome guest stars like Patton Oswald and Nathan Fillion.

tinyfaery's avatar

Thanks all. I look forward to listening to them all.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

CBC (Canadian Broadcorping Castration Broadcasting Corporation) has many excellent podcasts see

I like and and and and

There are other great ones you can find by exploring yourself on the sight.

Be sure to check out

cookieman's avatar

Another vote for Radio Lab. Also 99% Invisible. It is to architecture what Radio Lab is to science.

zenvelo's avatar

I listen to The Writer’s Almanac every morning, short (5 minutes) way to settle the brain each day.

And if you like comedy but want to know about the behind the scenes part, listen to Marc Maron’s WTFpod.

I second The Moth. Great way to gain insight into people by listening to their stories.

Gabby101's avatar

This American Life – very rarely do you hit a dud episode.

sinscriven's avatar

In addition to @BhacSsylan ‘s reccomendation of SYSK, also on Discovery:
Stuff mom never told you
Stuff you missed in history class
Stuff to blow your mind
Stuff they don’t want you to know.

Also, The Nerdist, and the Frogpants and Twit networks have a lot of podcasts.

tinyfaery's avatar

Loving my new podcasts; especially, Caustic Soda.

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