Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What are the most 'likes' a comment or post has ever gotten you on Face Book?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47152points) May 11th, 2013

This is kind of a waste of questions, but a comment I posted on “Parenting.Illustrated with Crappy Pictures” got 86 likes! Like, jump back! The question was “What do you want most for Mother’s Day?”
I posted “I’ll never forget when my five year old daughter came busting into the bedroom yelling “MOM! MOM!! YOU GOTTA GET UP EARLY! IT’S MOTHER’S DAY!”
86 likes. I feel kinda viral. I should go back to bed. Nah. Having a whoop de doo family dinner for Mother’s Day so I got WORK to do, starting with making bread.

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7 Answers

livelaughlove21's avatar

The comments on those types of Facebook pages typically get a lot of likes, simply because a lot of people are seeing it. One of mine got 112 awhile back. I forgot what it said.

Top Ten Most Liked Facebook Posts

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know, but I think it was cool that I, personally, got 86 likes for my one post. :)

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here; I routinely get so many that the counters stop working. Gail is essentially friendless and rides on my coattails.

dxs's avatar

My prom picture conjured 142 likes. Oh wait, that’s only 42…

Berserker's avatar

I just keep getting Hates all the time. :D

nebule's avatar

I think the most I’ve got was 13, when I got my 1st class degree. I don’t have many ‘friends’

AshLeigh's avatar

Yeah, people don’t like me. But I’m hilarious, so I usually get 15–30 likes on my status’. I just post random crap though.

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