General Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

How fast is your internet service?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) May 12th, 2013

I just ran an internet speed connection test at and got this Result – Download: 1.66 Mb/s Upload: 0.94Mb/s.
It says my Road Runner service from Time Warner Cable, is slower than 72% of the US. How does this compare with your speed? Is my service in the stone age? Is it time to switch? What speeds do DSL or satellite users get?

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50 Answers

Bellatrix's avatar

Pretty slow. I hope the Coalition don’t get in or the planned National Broadband Network will be toast.

Lightlyseared's avatar

BT Infinity (Fibre to the cabinet)

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Lightlyseared 74.8 and 9.4! Oh my! I feel like I am in a third world country.
Please tell me that is not your home service. Tell me it is the office network or something.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@LuckyGuy Its actually quite reasonably priced too, with unlimited downloads and they don’t throttle bit torrent traffic either.

johnpowell's avatar

A bit slower then what I am supposed to be paying for. But it is fast enough to stream 720P videos from my PLEX server without buffering.

whitenoise's avatar

At home in Holland we have about 98Mbit per second up and down.

Here, where we live now, we are at about 15 Mbit down and 7 up. Depending on time of day and the phase of the moon.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I pay about $50 per month for this “service” without bundled phone or TV.
I thought cable was supposed to be faster than this. Should i start looking at DSL or satellite? How do those speeds compare?

Maras's avatar

They say 30Mb/s I see 5Mb/s.

johnpowell's avatar

@LuckyGuy .. If that is your speed with cable you got problems. 1.6Mb/s is what our ISP gives out for ten bucks a month if your income is low enough.

Not Joking

To help get more low-income households online, CenturyLink is offering discounted High-Speed Internet service starting at $9.95 a month, plus applicable taxes and fees, to eligible consumers in the 37 states where it has local operations. The service provides access up to 1.5 Mbps downstream capability. Higher bandwidth services, where available, are offered at a comparable discount.

Pachy's avatar

Coiincidentally, I upgraded to a faster Roadrunner level just yesterday. My cable download/upload speeds are slightly over 300/4, which is slightly more than I’m paying for.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@johnpowell I’m not making up that data. The service is really poor! There’s my documented proof. If we are all using the same test site listed above, I feel that is a fair comparison. I am very disappointed with Time Warner Road Runner. I was wondering if I was the only one. Maybe I should ask for the cheap, cripple rate.

My wifi/network router is connected at 54Mb/s so that is not the problem. Also ther is no chance a nearby neighbor is siphoning off bandwidth. There aren’t any within range.(and check IP addresses) It’s ridiculous.

I’d love to hear results from others. I guess Mother’s day is not the most active day for fluthering.

dxs's avatar

21.53 Mb/s download speed
3.63 Mb/s upload speed
11ms PING (What is PING?)
We use Comcast.
@johnpowell is that really you?

Brian1946's avatar

3.67 Mb/s down, 0.62 Mb/s up.

My ISP is AT&T ADSL. I subscribed to the fastest ADSL available from AT&T in 2003.

I might bundle over to AT&T cable if Time Warner gets any worse.

Blackberry's avatar

50/20 when hard wired, 20/15 wireless.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@dxs Ping the length of time it takes for a signal to go from your PC to the server and back again (round trip delay time). The higher the ping the longer it takes for data to come and go from you PC.

PhiNotPi's avatar

31 ms ping
24.55 Mbps download
1.94 Mbps upload
(this is from a computer connected to my house’s wifi)

silky1's avatar

I don’t even want to talk about it!!

gailcalled's avatar

Medium speed DSL, understaffed local server and outdated equipment plus thousands of miles of phone lines in woods, under snow and ice and being eaten by deer, bobcats, raccoons, foxes and whatever.

My speed is, if I am lucky, about the time it takes to eat a trisket, chewing carefully.

glacial's avatar

Ping 25ms
Download 2.61Mbps
Upload 0.39Mbps

But it’s Sunday, which is my worst day for speed. Service from my provider is highly variable, but they are dead cheap, so I have no complaints.

gasman's avatar

I already use from time to time, so I know it’s usually around 30 Mbps download speed via Comcast cable – 20 times faster than my previous dsl connection over phone lines for about the same price. Maybe because it’s now Mother’s day morning, my speed clocks in at 70.69 (reran at 61.80) – fastest time ever.

gailcalled's avatar

I am not even allowed to use, my server is so pathetic.

LuckyGuy's avatar

This is really bugging me. I live in New York State, not South Sudan. And I am paying a not insignificant sum, $50 per month, to a supposedly competent company for service.

You people have given me the incentive to complain and look into switching . Thanks!

glacial's avatar

@LuckyGuy Insert Americans-hate-infrastructure-spending joke here.

dabbler's avatar

@glacial “corporations-hate-infrastructure-spending” There, fixed that for you.
Americans, or at least the corporate-owned lackeys in public offices, hate public ownership of infrastructure.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I am going to start making calls to Time Warner cable and find out about their advertised speeds for my area. I will also investigate other options. It is worth spending an hour or two of my time on this subject.
Maybe Glenn A. Britt needs to step up to the plate and take some of the $20M in salary and stock options he took last year and invest in keeping his customers happy. It would be a shame if they began to move to better service providers.

BhacSsylan's avatar

26 Mb/s down and 2 Mb/s up, which is pretty typical for me, though upload is usually higher. And that’s for $55, for comparison. So yeah, you should really think about changing. My phone blows you out of the water (typically ~7–15 Mb/s down and 5–10 Mb/s up). Granted, I pay more for it, but still.

LostInParadise's avatar

18 msec ping, 15.47 download and 5.43 upload using Verizon FIOS. The upload is fairly quick, but the download, which is more important, is slower than I thought it would be.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

21.96 mbps download 0.98 mbps upload ping is 42ms, has been better. Mid priced package.

Time Warner Cable / Road Runner.

@LuckyGuy Call tech service ask to be check for throughput speed between nodes. There maybe a bad node or someone is sucking up all the bandwidth.

gailcalled's avatar

Is there a way, with DSL, that I can compute my speeds without calling my server, who man the phones with local pleasant housewives wanting to earn some pin money and knowing nothing?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@gailcalled Didn’t the link I supplied above work for you? Just click it and let it test for a minute. You should have your answer.

@Tropical_Willie That is great idea. I will do that first – before I go ballistic.

flutherother's avatar

9.8 Download
0.95 Upload
51ms Ping
This is slower than I thought but still fast enough for my purposes. I can stream HD television with my connection. How much faster do you need?

gailcalled's avatar

@LuckyGuy: And so it, finally, did. What do these results mean? What is ping?

Ping 48 ms
Download 4.25 Mbps
Upload 0.96Mbps

LuckyGuy's avatar

@gailcalled It means your download speed was 3x faster than mine! But, your upload speed is the same.
Think of ping like a sonar beep that travels from your computer to the server and back again. If that takes a long time you can be certain your speed result is going to be slow.

I checked the Time Warner site and I should be “up to 15 Mbps.”

LuckyGuy's avatar

Follow up!

I went to the Time Warner site and started a chat session. I told them that I had tested and was getting a speed like 1.5 Mbps and I should be much faster. The chat server switched me to a tech who had me test it again with their test. I used their test and speedtest and got different results. Both were slow. but theirs read higher. .

He told me to disconnect the power to my router for 60 seconds and plug it in again.
That did it. My speed is up to 6 Mbps, sometimes. Much bettrer than before. I told him I want to see 15. He then tried to upsell me on RoadRunner Boost for an extra $10 per month. That is supposed to increase my speed to 20Mbps. Act today don’t delay. $60 per month with no guarantee. I don’t think so. If I am getting 6 now with a supposed cap of 15Mbps why would I pay for 20 Mbps? Clearly there is a “restriction in the pipe” someplace and a faster speed will not do anything except cost me more money.
So, bottom line, I won’t go ballistic tomorrow. They did take care of me . Not up to 15 like I am paying for but it is better than what I was getting.

glacial's avatar

@LuckyGuy I had that conversation with a tech a couple of years ago, different town, different provider. He compared the slowing down of internet speed between router switch-offs to a plaque buildup inside one’s arteries. Not only am I unconvinced that it’s a good analogy, but… gross.

phaedryx's avatar

Not currently on home network, here are my results from last time I checked:

10.84 Mbps down/18.46 Mbps up

I pay just under $40/month

LuckyGuy's avatar

@phaedryx 18.46 Mbps up!!! That is incredible. I’ve never seen an up faster than a down.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@LuckyGuy a high ping doesn’t necessarily mean a slow download speed. Take Satellite broadband – it can have a relatively high download speed (here in the UK you can get 20Mbps) but the ping can be 500–600ms. So while it would be fine to stream HD video (after you’ve waited the half second or so for the server to even register your request) you would find browsing slow and unresponsive and online gaming impossible.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Lightlyseared Thanks for the distinction. That’s a perfect explanation.

augustlan's avatar

34.26 download
9 upload
5 ping

Grade A

Faster than 86% of people in the world. Good to know.

dabbler's avatar

16 mS ping
25.1 mBps download
2.08 mBps upload

LuckyGuy's avatar

And… it’s slow again. :-(
42ms Ping
2.47 Mbps Download
0.94 Mbps Upload

Maybe I should threaten to reduce my bill to the $30 Basic plan that offers a speed of 3Mbps. Internet Service Plans

augustlan's avatar

I’m using Comcast Blast, which says I can get speeds up to 50 Mbps for download. So I’m not getting what I’m paying for, either. :/

Still, I’m happy enough with the speed I do have.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@augustlan I’d be happy with that speed too. You know, 5 years from now we will look a back at this question and laugh at the stone age speeds we are posting now.

graynett's avatar

ping 61ms
11.54 download
.85 upload which is faster than 72% of Aust users
I have it bundled with my phone + 2 mobiles and pay $92 a month I think that’s OK

Tropical_Willie's avatar

As an aside the city I live in has a plan for ultra high speed internet coming this summer. It will be at gigabit ! !

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Wow! Think of the HD porn research that will be done with it. My speed is so slow I can only watch vintage stuff.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@LuckyGuy In response to your earlier question. Yes that’s my home service.

gailcalled's avatar

@LuckyGuy: Please balance out your need for the promised internet server speed with triggering a coronary infarction or brain explosion.

poisonedantidote's avatar

9Mb down out of a supposed 10Mb line.

240k up out of a suposed 512k up.

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