Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Who wants to join me in wishing Fluther-Mothers a Happy Day?

Asked by janbb (63361points) May 12th, 2013

As asked.

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26 Answers

ucme's avatar

Oh, okay then, mother’s day is back in march over here, but anyway…happy mammy’s day :-)

dxs's avatar

Have a good day mother jellies!

cookieman's avatar

Happy day you Mother Fluthers. May your children sprinkle you with love (or chocolate) this fine day.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Happy Mother’s Day to all out Fluther moms. I hope you all have a great day!

SuperMouse's avatar

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Fluther mothers!

wilma's avatar

I hope all the moms have a wonderful day.
I would like to add and include all the folks who do a moms job whether they be dads or grandmas or aunts or neighbors, teachers or whoever you are.
Thank you for helping a child to grow, survive and succeed.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I was just about to post a Jelly Mamas question. Glad you did!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the lurvely jelly mothers! Hope you all have a fabulous day!

filmfann's avatar

Happy Mothers Day to all! Being a Mother is not just a biological action. It requires commitment, patience, and love. I cannot imagine a greater calling in life!

silky1's avatar

I certainly would like to join in saying Happy Mother’s Day one and all.

ucme's avatar

It’s father’s day here next month, I think i’ll ask a similar request then.

janbb's avatar

@ucme Every day is Father’s Day!

ucme's avatar

No…you’ve lost me there.

janbb's avatar

@ucme It’s a take-off on an American meme where children say, “When is Children’s Day”....

bookish1's avatar

Happy Day to all Fluther Mothers! Thank you for the work you do.

ucme's avatar

@janbb Oh right, it’s a bit of a sore point for me going back to when my kids were little, at school they’d be asked to make mummy a card in arts class, but come daddy’s day, not a word from the teacher…it’s so unfair :(

ETpro's avatar

Absolutely. Happy Mother Fluthreing day, all you Fluther Mothers.

tinyfaery's avatar

Happy mom’s day to all the moms. May you realize that your actions will affect your children even after you are long gone.

AshLeigh's avatar

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you! Especially my Fluther Mom, @WillWorkForChocolate! The chocolate’s in the mail :)

augustlan's avatar

Happy Mother’s Day, jellies!

gailcalled's avatar

My neighbor just drove up with two large flowering bushes (blue and yellow baptisia) in his car.

“Avon calling,” he warbled.

Apparently, my daughter, 3400 miles away in BC had called him and sent him to our local gardening center to pick up the shrubs (both deer-proof) for me.



I wish all the mothers here a lovely day today as well as the next 364.

Pachy's avatar

Hippo, Hippo Hooray for all Fluther Mamas !!!

Hope you were able to get out of the zoo today for a while and have some fun.

AmWiser's avatar

I had a lovely cold Mother’s Day here. I do hope all the Fluther Mothers had a wonderful day.
Today and everyday.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@AshLeigh D’awww, thank you, sweetie!

Seek's avatar

And a belated happy Mamas day to all of the Fluther Mamas, especially my own e-Mamas, @gailcalled and @Coloma. Big hugs to you both!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Hope all of you had a great day!!

jca's avatar

A very belated but heartfelt Happy Mothers Day to all my Fluther mommy friends!

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