General Question

bolwerk's avatar

What country has the least brutal, arbitrary police force?

Asked by bolwerk (10357points) May 12th, 2013

Even in developed (“first world”) countries, police can be vicious thugs who use their power arbitrarily…and get away with it. What country has the least brutal police force? I’d consider factors like the way the police themselves behave, levels of corruption, degree of classism/racism, and how much oversight the police get. Other criteria are welcome too.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant. A country with high levels of oversight might see more brutality reported than one with lax oversight.

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11 Answers

Gabby101's avatar

My guess is a country like Sweden or Norway because I think socially, they tend to be more progressive than other countries. The reality is that corruption through power is pervasive in every culture (because it is how some people are wired) and will flourish anywhere it is left unchecked.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I lived in Sweden from late ‘82 through ‘92 and I’ve never seen a better police force than the Swedish police. They are truly there to protect and serve. Swedes get a lot of our Tru TV crap and are genuinely aghast at what they see on shows like Cops, etc. Swedes are very aware of their rights as are their police and the police actually see themselves more as part of the civilian population unlike their counterparts here in the US. Swedes really don’t understand why Americans put up with this shit, and neither do I for that matter.

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Blackberry's avatar

I’ve only heard this from a brit, I don’t know if it’s true, but is it true police in the U.K. don’t carry weapons?

Bellatrix's avatar

They carry an extendible asp and I think some sort of pepper spray when they’re out on normal patrols. I think they can now carry tasors too.

If there is a serious incident, they have specialist firearms squads that can be called in around the clock. I couldn’t find anything that talked about whether the ordinary Bobby is trained to use firearms.

It’s not like guns aren’t available if they need them. The coppers on patrol don’t carry firearms and from what I’ve read, something like 80% don’t want to. Like anywhere, its one of those discussions that’s ongoing.

Discussion of use of weapons including interesting stats at the bottom

Overview of weapons carried by British police officers on patrol

Sunny2's avatar

Well, it sure isn’t the US of A.

Berserker's avatar

I’m not just saying this because I’m obsessed about Scandinavia and because others have already said it, but I have indeed heard more than once that in those countries, the police are usually pretty fucking awesome.

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