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Unbroken's avatar

Why do I over eat when I consume mononunsaturated fats?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) May 12th, 2013

I love avocados, olives, nuts – especially almonds and dark chocolate.

When I eat these items its akin to eating chips or something similar, I want more. Even though I am full. Like the mechanism indicating fullness gets overridden.

Am I only the one who has the problem? Is there a reason for this?

How many monounsaturated fats should eat a day. Can one become fat from overindulging in these?

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15 Answers

rooeytoo's avatar

I like all of those things but I don’t feel an urge to over indulge when I eat them. Perhaps you like them more than I??? And yes, as with just about anything except iceberg lettuce, you can get fat if you eat too many because they are high in calories.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Never felt the urge to over indulge in these. Your fats should be less than 65 grams per day, but I’d have to look up the recommendation for the monos. And yes as ^^ said, anytime you take in more calories than you burn you’ll gain weight.

hearkat's avatar

@rosehips – Mention it to your Doctor(s) and Pharmacist. I recall that you are having medical issues, and cravings might be related to your condition or medication(s). Also, the daily recommendations may be different for you than for the average adult.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I think I am like you. If I eat early in the day, I eat all day, and usually blow through my caloric limits. I read a bunch of articles back in the past that led me to believe that I was experiencing a spike of sugar in my blood stream, which caused me to feel hungrier.

When I do eat breakfast now, I stick to proteins only. Protein foods (eggs, bacon, low carb bread) do not get me feeling hungrier. I have the foods that have the effect you are describing only when I am about to go to the gym, or I have been fasting most of the day. If I engage in exercise after I consume them, it seems to keep me from over eating.

gailcalled's avatar

^^^How can low carb bread (shudder) be called a protein?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Sorry lady. I should have been more clear.

If I choose to have a bread with bacon or eggs, I make sure it is low carb.

gailcalled's avatar

Ah, but I still have no idea what lo-carb bread is.

sinscriven's avatar

@gailcalled : The low carb breads i’ve seen are made with soy flour so maybe that’s why.

It’s like biting into a stale chewy pancake.

gailcalled's avatar

@sinscriven: Sounds nasty. Why not eat half a slice of some delicious whole-grain bread instead? Soy flour is so far removed from the soy beans, too.

Unbroken's avatar

@rooeytoo Makes sense. I guess I was approaching it from the free association. Monosodium Glutamate and Monounsaturated fats. Doesn’t seem to hold up after any thought though. Other then being simplest forms and what I associate unami with.

@Adirondackwannabe Not all calories are created equal but portion control is important. I guess I haven’t or don’t cross that threshold often. I was reading that MoUFa’s were supposed to increase satiety. Sometimes I do bounce up ten pounds or so but I always bounce back down so far. But the fluctuations I find disconcerting and worrisome.

@hearkat I did have some worries on this front my doc and pharmicist encourage me to eat healthy but that is the only advice given. My holistic doc left town got tired of the regulations. But I do have an appt with a nutritionist several months down the road.

@imadethisupwithnoforethought That is also in line with what I read about sugars and carbs in the morning. Though my reading says breakfast is the most impt meal of the day. I don’t fast though either.

@gailcalled and sunscriven Soy bread does seem like a crime against nature. And to my knowledge questionable. But to each their own I guess.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@rosehips From what I could find 10 to15 percent of your calories is the RDA of monounsaturated fats. But I also saw higher amounts protected against heart disease and some cancers. So I guess it’s like anything else, all things in balance.

sinscriven's avatar

@gailcalled : Because that would make a tea sized sandwich. :D—You are right though, and it’s one of the things I’ve learned being diabetic that it is far far better to just give yourself a smaller portion of what you really want even if it’s high carb/fat, than a larger portion of something highly processed and fake.

@rosehips : Soy flour bread make great coasters!

This was the perfect thread to read this morning. I ate a large avocado for breakfast, and felt a little guilty about it.

Unbroken's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Thanks. I actually didn’t even look up RDA. I guess it would be worthwhile to keep a food and weight and exercise journal for a month or two. Actually do the math and get a balance going. Oh joy.

@sinscriven Oh yum. Glad I am not the only one who can gobble down a large avocado and some without blinking.
I remember reading that diabetics can only have 45 carbs per meal. That does seem to vastly limit portion size and just food in general.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@gailcalled and @sinscriven I usually go with whole wheat wraps instead of traditional bread. They taste pretty good, and they work just as well as sandwich bread for sandwiches. They net out to 5 carbohydrates per serving in most cases, when you subtract the undigestible dietary fiber from the carbohydrate total.

gailcalled's avatar

@sinscriven: I know nothing about the appropriate diets for diabetics; perhaps then you should discount my opinions on your breakfast menu.

What about the fat (and preservatives) in bacon?

Can you eat oatmeal, one of the pure and magic foods that no one can find anything bad to say about. (Or not yet, anyway). (Avocado is supposed to be another of the magic edibles; I wish I liked it.)

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