Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can bed bugs be harvested for consumption?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) May 12th, 2013

With a little olive oil here and a little pepper their. For end of the Earth survival food.

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16 Answers

Berserker's avatar

This should be on Lolchamp.

Coloma's avatar

What are you smoking tonight? lol
As long as you are not harvesting them from HIV infected bed fellows pillows, sure why not.
Might be a screenplay in this somewhere.

Berserker's avatar

if a movie about bed bugs exists I wanna see it

talljasperman's avatar

@Symbeline @Coloma Joe vs. the apartment?

gondwanalon's avatar

Bed bugs are delicious with Chianti and fava beans!

Also spiders just love sucking bed bugs as they are usually filled with blood.

Bellatrix's avatar

Note to self – no matter how nice the invitation is do not eat at @talljasperman‘s house.

ucme's avatar

They mite be a tasty bite, but the little fuckers would jump off the fork wouldn’t they¿¿ :D

zenvelo's avatar

When my brain first scanned your text it saw “little pepper there” as “little pubic hair”. Must have been some subliminal Freudian reading.

augustlan's avatar

Please let me never be in a situation to find out.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I wished we just had “Q” of the day.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme LOL that was funny shit. XD

Inspired_2write's avatar

would not be worth the effort.
Porbably take hundreds to fill a teaspoon?

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Funny shit…reminds me of those comedy fake turds you can buy at joke shops :-)

Berserker's avatar

I had a fake plastic log before. I put it on someone’s bed and they fell for it. It was funny shit. XD

ucme's avatar

XD Fart cushions are good too, used one on a teacher at school once, bastard gave me detention…was worth it though.

Berserker's avatar

Lolchamp? Wtf was I talkin about?

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