Social Question

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

So, what are you up to today, Monday, 13 May, 2013?

Asked by Espiritus_Corvus (17299points) May 13th, 2013

Work? Play? Study? What specifically? After that? Tonight? Humour me, I’m socked in here.

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26 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Working. Two meetings and a bunch of phone calls. Another day at the grind.

Nothing special at all.

augustlan's avatar

Working at two of my three jobs, and maybe at the third one, too! Thank goodness they are all things I do from home, on flexible schedules. I will likely nap at some point, too. And shiver. It’s suddenly cold again, here. WTF, May?

Fly's avatar

First day of finals week at my college! I have two finals today…aaaaand I got not one minute of sleep last night. I see an afternoon nap in my future.
Wish me luck, I’ll need it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Okay Here’s a wish for all the luck you need.

augustlan's avatar

Good luck, girlie!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Good luck, Fly. May the muses be with you.

Fly's avatar

@augustlan @Espiritus_Corvus @Adirondackwannabe Merci beaucoup!
First up is my French final. ;)

filmfann's avatar

Today I am back to work, or what passes for work for me. I will drive to Richmond, then out to Brentwood, then back to Concord. It’s crazy how much of my day gets used driving.

cookieman's avatar

Working. I am teaching a class from 9AM to 1PM, then back to my office to work on projects. I plan to crank some jazz this afternoon to grease the creative wheels.

Eggie's avatar

Going to try to start my assignment that is due this Friday. I have to type 1200 words.

Eggie's avatar

My correction….1500–2000 words…sigh

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m working until 5pm (approx another half hour) and then I will go home, get showered and changed before I go to my sister’s house for a meal and a cuddle with my baby nephew.

bookish1's avatar

Getting through what I hope is the final phase of sinus stuffiness that is not going to turn into a sinus infection. shakes fist
Planning to go grocery shopping for the first time in weeks…I’m going to start cooking again… I’m going to make tabbouli and maybe falafels today! Gradually feeling like a human again after the most academically painful month of my life. After not having taken any exams for four or five years, I had to take PhD exams, which in my department consist of 10+ page essays written on the spot in 8 hours and submitted without revision. I think you pass if you simply manage not to write completely stupid shit… >_<
Enjoying reading books because I want to read them, not because I am under compunction to read them. I’ve got some books related to my research, some sci-fi, and some old detective novels going at the same time.
If I feel better later today, I’ll meet up with some friends at a bar or cafe… If not, I’ll stay at home and play some video games.

@Espiritus_Corvus: What are you up to today? Why can’t you sail?

@Fly: Bon courage, et j’espère que tu pourras bientôt dormir !!!
@Eggie: Good luck. That’s around 10 pages or slightly under. Maybe it won’t seem so intimidating if you make a really good plan, so you know how many pages you have to write per day.

Mariah's avatar

I’m on summer break. I am being really lazy in an attempt to recover from the incredible, and incredibly busy, year of school that I have just finished!

I slept in this morning. My mom and I are planning to go shopping in the afternoon. In the evening I will probably settle down and write a chapter or so of my novel. That’s pretty standard for me in the evenings these days. Maybe I’ll buckle down and write some code (hah).

marinelife's avatar

I drove my husband to the Metro. Then I went to the library. Then I thawed some shrimp for lunch. Now I am fluthering. After a while I will get to work.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m on a day off from work and trying to recover from working on the weekend (the weekend from hell) and dreading going to work tomorrow.

gailcalled's avatar

Waiting for the electric and gas company to come and swap out a 26-year old large propane tank and then check all the gas lines.

RandomGirl's avatar

I woke up at 5 am for an early morning eye appointment an hour away from home, but it turned out that my mom (who can’t write anything down with pen and paper because of hand tremors, so I understand how it happened) got the appointment mixed up. We were at the wrong clinic, on the wrong day, and at the wrong time! But they got me fit in where we were, so it worked out. It turned out to be yet another doctor appointment that ended up with the doc shrugging his shoulders and saying, “huh.” It’s frustrating, having to let people who are supposed to know what they’re talking about – and who don’t take kindly to teenagers like me telling them they’re wrong – tell me there’s nothing wrong with me, and that I have to just “live with it” or take bizarre drugs that will do weird things to me.
Anyway, sorry for venting there a little…

Otherwise, I have off from work today, which is nice, and I’ll be sitting around nursing my wrist (which I injured playing the piano on Saturday) and all my other ailments. Goodness, I sound pathetic.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Living the American dream. Work then home to suburbia for a glass of red wine on the patio, then to bed to do it again the next day.

gailcalled's avatar

As I don my winter parka once again, I remember the beauty and perfection of yesterday chez moi. Here

I also celebrate my new-found ability to add tags to or delele photos in, thanks to some jellies’ good advice.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@bookish1 I went out late last night under the stars and rather than tie up at the dock this morning, I just tossed my hook a few yards off shore. This morning I looked out the hatch and found myself closed in by a flotilla of sailing vessels. No slips at the dock, every thing’s full. From the flags I see on their port spreaders, most are out of St. Kitts, B.V.I., some US ensigns, and a Union Jack. They are all flying the Q on starboard, so this is probably their first port of call in Dominica. Brits and Americans. They are rafting. It’s a fucking blockade. Be generous Corpus, be nice…

Earlier I heard the theme from Out of Africa drifting my way. Sweet stuff to wake up to. Now it’s Steely Dan. Probably my age group. Soon it will be Zeppelin, Black Dog, and by the time they play When the Levee Breaks with their woofers maxed, they’ll have gotten into the hard stuff and the Jamaican Redbud. My generation, recently on furlough, temporarily released into the wild from their corporate confines.

“My name is Legion…” It was unavoidable, I suppose. Tucari Bay is small, pretty, becalmed by the surrounding hills and usually vacant. I always thought it would make a good rendezvous. I guess some other goddamned genius figured it out, too. It’s about 1pm, my intruders are slowly appearing on decks. Be nice, Corpus

In the meantime, I’m under the shade of the tarp on deck observing my neighbors with mixed proprietary feelings and those of propriety. I’m reading Nick Tosche’s King of the Jews and David Halberstam’s The Fifties. It’s a nice day. Soon, I’ll take the dinghy into town for a late lunch. When I get back, there will be more even craft out here, they will be in pirate mode, feeling their oats and there will be invitations to board. The women will be experiencing that weird kind of horniness, vanilla with strong primal urges to do something they’ve never done before, but they don’t know what it is. They are clumsy in this way. They will be layered with weak defenses. God, I feel like a predator.

Fly's avatar

@bookish1 Merci beaucoup, je l’espère aussi! Je pense que les examens se sont bien passés, mais nous verrons!

@Anyone who doesn’t feel like copying and pasting that into Google Translate, I think the exams went well considering my exhaustion, but we will have to wait and see!

Inspired_2write's avatar

Signed up for a webspace blog.
Was suppossed to be easy?
Taking all morning to manage.
Just walked away from it for a day. Perhaps tomorrow it will work?
What a hassle.

Fred931's avatar

Just got back from a neurologist. Apparently I might have myoclonic epilepsy. Icing on the cake (type 1 diabetes, pun most definitely intended).

talljasperman's avatar

I went to the hospital and had a blood test, then cashed a cheque and had some food and downloaded anti virus soft ware. watching bill Maher.

Unbroken's avatar

@bookish1 The stacks are waiting. I have returned to delving after straying for not a particular reason.
@Espiritus_Corvus Sounds predatory and blood stirring. But in a fish bowl type way. I enjoyed the narrative though.

Me I went to bed suprisingly and unquestionably satisfied and radiant. I woke up that way and remained so for half the day. People stopped and knew I was glowing. It was grand. I danced at work, the world was my oyster.

Then I realized my behavoir and had to get neurotic-why am I happy, Oh yeh, crap, what do I want, mixed signals analyzations, back and forth, predicting, reeling myself in.

Sigh then I realized what I was doing and calmed myself. One day at a time sweetie.. enjoy.. live.. express.. don’t limit yourself in 8 short mental steps.

I achieved that calm but mourned the dewiness the expectancy the unthinking sweetness. So seesawing I eventually got off work and was quite productive and laid out in the sun and concentrated on the feeling the present the absorption of essence of life and small things. Eyes closed drifting…. Now I have to shampoo my carpet and ferret out the animal my thoughtful cat brought home to me.

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