My parents did a very good job, specially when you consider that I was their first child, they were still learning as they went, and to be honest I never made things easy for them.
My father was almost a master artist when it came to role of provider. He made a deposit for a house and paid it off single hand in 7 years. When I was a kid, I had every toy you can imagine, I was even spoiled a fair bit. Not only did I have a Nintendo with almost all of the games, but I had a Sega and an Atari too.
My mother who was mostly a housewife or running a business, did a good job at both. When I was a child I always had the best healthy fresh food, and clean clothes and all that. Before I even went to school she made sure I knew how to read and write and do basic maths and knew some facts, history and what not.
They did fuck up on a few things. The older I got, the less they parented really. By the time I was 12 I was more or less allowed to do what I liked, and they would not really care anymore.
When I was a baby, I had all the regular baby things, and was well looked after, and my years as a toddler and little kid, were also very well managed. However, by the time I was about 6 years old, I had a very well established personality.
I am today at the age of 30, more or less the same as when I was 6 years old, the only real difference, is now I have a larger vocabulary to express myself with, and I have had more experiences, but my core me, is more or less the same.
By the time I was 6, I was a bit too much for my parents to deal with, and over the years, I only got smarter and harder to handle, as my range of tricking, manipulating and fibbing skills improved with practice.
By the time I was 9, I had decided that I was not going to allow my parents to punish me anymore, because I did not like it.
No matter what they did, I would just fight back. If I was being shouted at to “Come here right now” I would jump out of a window and vanish in to the woods and you would not see me again for hours. If my parents were still pissed at me when I came back, I would just run off again, until I made them worried about me and it was safe to go back.
By the time I was 15 years old, I had moved out with a girl called Bea, who I had met in a night club 1 day before moving in together with her, basically cause I thought I would get to fuck her if I did. She was a 19 year old run away, who had lots of stories and issues.
My parents did a very good job, they had obviously studied up and planned to have a child, they were very good at all the things you hear in books. I was safe, changed regular, had regular medical check ups, and all that.
They were very good at all the early on stuff, but the longer time went on, the more I developed, and there are not books specifically for dealing with me.
I made things very hard for them really. I have a million stories I can tell about tricks I pulled, but over all they coped well with it all, and did a good job.
Now days, I have some issues with them, because we are fundamentally very different, but over all we get on quite well if I just don’t see them too much.