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talljasperman's avatar

What are some of the most prestigious math concepts to be mastered?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) May 13th, 2013

what concepts are the most difficult to master? Links to Wikipedia are welcome.

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5 Answers

Thulenord's avatar

Bistromathics, see Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Jocularity aside, Fermat’s Last Theorem, others to follow.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The Quintic Equation

Information Theory and how it relates to Bioinformatics and Linguistics.

Chaos Theory and especially its relation to biology.

Game Theory and how it relates to cultural and biological intelligent evolutions.

Dimension Theory and how it relates to Carl Sagan depiction of 4th and 5th Dimension concepts… and yes, Spiritual archetypes and Platonic forms.

Pachy's avatar

Agree with the above.

But for me, counting on 18 toes.

Thulenord's avatar

See!! Pachyderm has stated a corollary for a postulate of Bistromathics. French bistro waiters never count the same things the same way, even twice. Pace Heraclitus & Parmenides.

mattbrowne's avatar

Number theory.

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