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ucme's avatar

Unlikely things to hear at an Obama/Cameron press conference?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 14th, 2013

As some of you will be no doubt aware, David Cameron & Barack Obama held a joint PC yesterday to mark the PM’s brief stateside visit. Plenty of references to “our special relationship” & all that crap, but what about stuff they may have been thinking, but couldn’t possibly say out loud.

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4 Answers

janbb's avatar

“You upper class twit! Take me to the Ministry of Silly Walks.”

ucme's avatar

@janbb Oh, I don’t think Obama’s a twit at all…seems a jolly nice chap, what what?

ucme's avatar

“Yo Dave, y’ever here tell of this little website, name o fluther?”
“Can’t say that I have old bean..why do you ask?”
“Just wondered if you were a member there, I know I am.”

Berserker's avatar

They were prolly all thinking, when’s this shit over, I’m hungry. Goddamn.

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