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Blackberry's avatar

Would you like to take a guess as to how long these people will remain in business?

Asked by Blackberry (34375points) May 14th, 2013

There’s nothing a good trainwreck. On an episode of Kitchen Nightmare, there was a wacky couple that Gordon actually quit on. They were loud obnoxius, and swearing at customers. The owners of this restaurant have apprently gone insane and are responding to a bunch of people since they have been exposed and made fun of on a few websites.

You have to read the stuff on their facebook page, it’s hilarious. How these guys expect to keep customers with tactics like this?

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14 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Is this for real? If it is that’s great. What a couple of loons. Do you know when the episode is on? I could use a good laugh. I’m guessing in some perverted way they’ll be successful.

thorninmud's avatar

I once worked for a place kind of like this, a little bakery/cafe where the owner/baker was this level of crazy. He used to throw customers out of the place for things like asking whether the croissants were from today or yesterday (spoiler: they were from yesterday). There was an incredible amount of animosity toward him in the community. I half-expected mobs carrying pitchforks and torches to show up at any moment.

But it was a fairly small town with no real non-crazy alternatives, so he lasted quite awhile. The town was a destination on a cruise line, too, so ships arrived regularly and disgorged hundreds of unsuspecting souls looking for a snack. I worked there decades ago, and I see that the shop’s no longer there. Curiosity has driven me to try to find some trace of the guy, but he seems invisible to Google. I imagine him “sleeping with the fishes” in the harbor of the town.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Blackberry Thanks for that. I was lmao when he bit into the burger and the stream of grease and liquid ran out, and store bought ravioli? God what horrid cooking. And they’re still open?

tedibear's avatar

I saw this episode. The “chef”/owner/wife was full-on batshit crazy. The husband was a scaredy cat. I would bet that they have two more months. I haven’t looked yet and am wondering if there will be an update on the Kitchen Nightmares website.

I looked at the Facebook page. She is an angry, angry person.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just watched part of the video…it would appear she was unhappy with the face God gave her originally… about plastic surgery!

JLeslie's avatar

OMG! Hysterical. They are the next reality show. Mark my words.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@JLeslie You’ve got a million dollar idea there. Figure out the logistics and disclosure angles and you’ve got yourself a hit.

JLeslie's avatar

Yeah, if Jersey Shore can have a following, anything can.

jerv's avatar

@JLeslie Sadly correct.

Buttonstc's avatar

I saw that episode the other night and was amazed. Ramsey was amazed also.

I watch both his show and Restaurant Impossible. However, on RI, generally the place is on the verge of bankruptcy so the owners usually come around since they’re desperate.

On KN, apparently that’s not always the case. The woman said that their main motivation for being on was that she was sure that Ramsey’s praise for their delicious food would silence all their blogger critics.

And, truth be told, Ramsey did find the bakery products delicious and beautifully made. So, at least the woman is a great baker.

But the food was execrable and it was a restaurant as well. Had they just stuck to being a bakery they would have done fine.

But the woman is self-deluded about her cooking abities (as well as being batshit crazy) and the whole thing was a hilarious mess.

Ramsey should have just yelled at her the way he does with the contestants on Hell’s Kitchen and it might have woken her up.

But, the more tactful side of him emerges on this show as it does on Masterchef and in this case, the woman just decided to maintain her idiotic ideas of what constituted “delicious food”.

And apparently hubby has deep pockets enough to continue subsidizing this train wreck.


jerv's avatar

@Buttonstc Of course the hubbie has deep pockets; he’s a gangster!

Buttonstc's avatar

Yeah, a gangster who’s afraid to stand up to his wife to let her know how crappy a cook the customers find her to be :)

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