Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why does everything come to a standstill at the same time?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 14th, 2013

It’s dead here, and on fb too. It happens a lot, at the same time. Why would that be? We have friends in tons of different time zones, so it’s not like everyone stops at 6:00 for dinner. That would be 3:00 Seattle time and yesterday in South African time or something.

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19 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

I started to get tired of broadcasting everything online, that and I was busy doing other things. Also, I was browsing my usual sites at work all day, so I’m bored with them and now I’m going to play videogames.

ucme's avatar

When you come online people fuck off, deal with it :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait…who was it said it was hard not to give you lurve? They were WRONG! Humph!

CWOTUS's avatar

I never said it, but sometimes I find it so.

If things didn’t “come to a standstill at the same time”, then it wouldn’t be a standstill, would it? It’s kind of a tautology.

janbb's avatar

@CWOTUS Another shining light!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I supposed I’m going to get modded for writing standards now???
Ya’ll just MEAN! But at least we aren’t at a standstill anymore. :) yay

Dutchess_III's avatar

Don’t talk to me @ucme!

ucme's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yeah, almost 35K & counting…a constant mystery to me.
I’m talking at you dear, big difference.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Auggie, he’s touching me! Make him STOOOOOOP!

ucme's avatar

Stoop, why would she want me to bend over…err, never mind.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Perhaps you need to Like more interesting things and people on facebook. Mine is very interesting, day or night, but I Like a lot of cool things, that I want to learn more about.

I argue in forums (hard to believe I’m sure) and post it to facebook, we catch snakes with our bare hands and post it, I mean, come on, only boring people get bored!!! HA!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Auggie! Auggie! Stand up! Auggie!

Perhaps @KNOWITALL. What I really need is a job.

Blueroses's avatar

@Dutchess_III If you had a job, everything would be busy everywhere.

When I’m home alone, my phone is silent and nobody is on Fluther. The second I get to work, alerts start going off in my pocket and I get askance looks from the boss.

I think it’s a corollary to the rule: The less time you have, the more you have to do.

Feta's avatar

That always used to happen to me!

When the website “Dailybooth” was still up, I’d post a picture after dinner (around 6) every night. Nobody seemed to be online at that time…ever.

And when I go to a friends house, they always have like 120 friends online at once on Facebook.
The most I’ve ever seen online when I’m on is 16.
I actually got genuinely excited the first time it got over 10.

augustlan's avatar


It does seem like that to me, too. If it’s dead on one site, it seems like every other online destination is dead, too. As to why, I have no clue! I take it as a sign that I need to go do something else. Like drink.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes ma’am

LOL! Read a book. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I liked Chumlee from Pawn Stars on fb. Do you think that will help @KNOWITALL?

Fly's avatar

Ditto, @CWOTUS. I actually don’t mind when everything seems to slow down, it forces me to actually get work done. Running out of things to do/check on the internet is probably one of the main reasons that I do my best work after 2 AM!

@Dutchess_III Oh, most definitely!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Maybe, he’s pretty funny. I actually am on sites that I’m really interested in, like Wicca (I want to learn more about it), Pro-Life site, local rescues and restaurants and activities, all kinds of stuff. I also try to be an open book, I have friends, co-workers, clients, school chums and family, all on the same fb, makes life interesting! :) Join me!

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