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janbb's avatar

@Ben - If you don't raise the limit at which we max-out on people, I will never get to 40K?

Asked by janbb (63390points) May 15th, 2013

I keep getting GAs from olbies and there aren’t many newbies or else they are so new, they don’t know about lurve. I know lurve isn’t all you need but hey! (whinge, whinge, whinge)

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48 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I’ll GQ you!!!!!!!!!
Not that it will raise your balance….~

janbb's avatar

@rebbel Or you could just come over here and make mad, passionate love – err, lurve to me. That would unruffle my feathers!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Who’s @Ben? Newbies affect lurve more than oldies?

JLeslie's avatar

Yeah, it toook me a really really long time to get from 30k to 40k.

janbb's avatar

@KNOWITALL Ben and Andrew were the founders and creators of Fluther. They left to work at Twitter but still hover here at times. And yes, after you give someone 100 lurve you are maxed out on them and any GAs you give them, still show up but do not add to your total lurve. This is why it gets harder and harder to accrue points.

janbb's avatar

^^ e.g.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb Ah, I see. If there was a shop here where I could ‘buy’ stuff with my lurve, I’d care – ha!

It would be kind of fun though, like if you reach 30k, you can add an extra picture to your profile instead of just the one.

We could buy access to each user’s Secret Section containing an actual photo album, since we can’t post pics here for all to see.

tinyfaery's avatar

Me either. :(

Maybe we just don’t deserve it.

JLeslie's avatar

@tinyfaery That’s crazy talk.

janbb's avatar

@tinyfaery Let’s have a pity party together.

tinyfaery's avatar

Ok. I’ll bring the treats heavily loaded with sugar.

janbb's avatar

@tinyfaery Treats and kitties – what more could I ask for?

Seek's avatar

I know! It’s taken me so long to hit 25K (Just did it!) that I kind of want a party, just because I know it’ll be another two years before I hit 30!

janbb's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr You can pity party with us! Pity party at Honeymoon Island!

Unbroken's avatar

I resent being called an olbie and that my lurve is worthless : P

janbb's avatar

@rosehips I wasn’t necessarily calling you that but read the explanation.

Unbroken's avatar

I did read it and was teasing..I know it wasn’t directed at me since by no means am I rank and file a part of the old and revered canon of originals.

Just that I have been noticing that with too many jellies I have maxed my lurve out on them.. Since I am usually on my phone and my page has to reload every time I lurve someone I consider that to be a feat.

janbb's avatar

@rosehips Cool. You’ll always be a youngster to me even if you did max out on me!

janbb's avatar

(There’s an angel somewhere. Thank you, Angel! Now just six hundred more!)

chyna's avatar

@KNOWITALL There is a Fluther photo bucket here. There is another one, but I can’t find it right now.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@chyna Yeah, I just think it would be cooler to have the opportunity to post a picture of my animals and husband here on my profile. I have about 20 programs running all day HA!

Fly's avatar

If it makes you feel better, I’ve been here for four years and I still haven’t even reached 10k!
Wish I could donate to the cause, but I maxed out on you long ago!

ucme's avatar

You can just bloody well wait for me penguin, although that may take a while.
I like the fact newbs can control our stoopid little numbers…they hold all the power, which is nice.

SuperMouse's avatar

I feel your pain @janbb! I have been spitting distance from 30k for about six months now and my lurve seems stuck in neutral!

@chyna, why did you link that, it makes me miss so many people!

chyna's avatar

@SuperMouse Me too, me too.

Unbroken's avatar

@zen has the best deal going to beat the system, he helps himself sure but he also helps others…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I enjoy the GA or GQ, but the Lurve count is only interesting. The numbers are cool but it should be harder to get to 30k or 40k or more.

hearkat's avatar

My activity waned significantly after 10k, but I’ve been back for quite a while and 20k is still a long way off. I agree with @TropicalWillie that it is a good thing that the Lurve system is set up so that the points are truly earned.

AshLeigh's avatar

Pretty sure I’ve maxed out on almost everyone. I like to lurve. :)

rooeytoo's avatar

Every now and then I try being extra nice to see if I can get some more lurvin, but so far it hasn’t worked, so I decided to just be me!

augustlan's avatar

Just sent this to Ben. I hope it’s a quick fix!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hey ben. Nice to see you.
@janbb I like the point structure as is. It makes us work a little, but it also makes newbies more valuable, so we are encouraged to welcome them into the fold and keep the site alive and dynamic.

ben's avatar

It’s by design harder to get lurve the more you have. The maximums are between users and users, users and questions, and users and answers. There are no other maximums.

Which means once you’ve maxed out among a circle of old timers, the only way to get lurve is by interacting with new users.

Realizing you already know all this.

You make a good point, but if I change the rules, will it be unfair for those in the past? Maybe we should all just start being nicer to the newbies (there are still ~50 newbies a day!).

But, maybe, if everyone makes great arguments, I could spend a few minutes on the weekend and up the limit.

I’ll think about it.

janbb's avatar

@ben I’m glad I have given you something to think about! (And say hello to the Mrs.) Don’t need to quibble but one problem is that newcomers often don’t give lurve. I won’t kvetch whatever you decide.

livelaughlove21's avatar

How do we know who we’ve “maxed out” on?

janbb's avatar

The only way you can tell is if you give them a GA and see that their lurve hasn’t gone up.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@janbb Oh, ha! Now I feel dumb.

Well, as it turns out I haven’t maxed out on you, so GQ and GA on every answer you gave on this thread. :)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The Lurve limit for one member to another is understandable. The restriction was set to prevent people from abusing the Lurve points program. (The reincarnations of Zen is an allowed exception, probably because it is to the benefit of other Jellies and not out of personal gain.)

I’m okay with the Lurve limit of 100 points per person. @ben‘s suggestion of being nicer to new members is spot on. There are often snarky remarks on a new member’s thread. If anyone has an issue with the question/details, why not just flag it? Let one of the moderators handle the situation in their own kind way.

The myth that I would like to have either confirmed or denied is that if a member receives five GAs, then the rest do not count, even if #6 or beyond is given by a Jelly who hasn’t reached the 100 point max for that member. If this myth is false, then can it be busted once and for all? If it is true, then this seems like the logical restriction to change.

Unbroken's avatar

My idea for lurve was to keep the max outs for say 6 months or a year. But people do give lurve to based on the merit of content as well as other things. It is a shame that once maxed out we stayed maxed out. This prevents the cliqueness, encourages us to interact with the tadpoles and is still difficult for the higher ranking.

hearkat's avatar

Great point, @Pied_Pfeffer! The per-comment Lurve limit is a silly one.

LornaLove's avatar

Hope that helped

glacial's avatar

How come @ben has only 7K lurve? That seems so wrong.

zenzen's avatar

Well, at least you got Ben’s smiley face to show up – so your kvetching was good for something.


tinyfaery's avatar

What is the verdict?

mrentropy's avatar

Use the spam factor. Ask a bunch of nonsense and/or non-questions. People, any people, will eventually GQ them and you’ll get points that way. Same goes for answers. The more popular you are, the more GQ and GAs you’ll get regardless if they actually are GQ or GAs.

janbb's avatar

@mrentropy So I guess my problem is that I tend to not respond unless I have something pithy and brilliant to say. And I try to ask questions that I care about.

mrentropy's avatar

You either don’t care about points and stay about where you are or you do care about points and have to game the system in order to get more. In some ways I think the limits have made things worse in that respect.

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