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ucme's avatar

A joke or any scene in a movie/tv show that pretty much guarantees a laugh from you?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 17th, 2013

Bound to be loads of examples, just cherry pick the most memorable ones & you should be fine.

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25 Answers

marinelife's avatar

The “You Should Have Bought a Squirrel” scene from Rat Race.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My favorite scene is from one of the worst films I’ve ever seen in my life. But I found the scene funny because it’s true, and obvious.

We just did jokes the other day, but Ill do my three all time favorites again anyway:

A man walks into a psychiatrist’s office with a duck on his head.
The psychiatrist asks, “Can I help you?”
And the duck says, “Yeah, can you get this guy off my ass?”

This 13 year-old kid is standing on a corner smoking a cigarette. A middle-aged man walks up and says, “Those will kill you, boy.”
The kid says, “My grandpa lived to be 94 years old.”
The man says, “Well, did he smoke?”
The kid says, “Nah, he minded his own damn business.”

A duck,
a parrot,
a talking dog,
a gay cowboy,
a priest,
a minister,
a rabbi,
and a one-eyed man with a twelve-inch cock,
all walk into a bar.
The bartender, suddenly angry, leans into them from across the bar and growls,
“What? You think this is some kinda joke?”

ucme's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Both your links lead to a previous question.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Thanks. Fixed.

ucme's avatar

Good stuff & Buscemi just gets funnier every time he opens his mouth.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Step Brothers, the bedroom scene with “look at all the room for activities”, lots more in that movie. Also, the Other Guys, when Marky Mark is saying “Bye Sheila”, so funny.

ucme's avatar

I could go on all day here & we can’t be having that, who’d feed the dawg & she needs her walk & then there’s the…
The infamous farting scene in Blazing Saddles
Every scene with Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein
There’s a scene in the original The Thing which I have in my profile, has me in stitches every time.

zenvelo's avatar

I always laugh from:

Mickey Mouse stood before the judge waiting for the verdict on his divorce case.

“Mickey Mouse, I cannot grant you a divorce. Although you claim she
is crazy, the court has found Minnie Mouse to be mentally competent,”
proclaimed the judge.

“But your Honor,” he said, “I didn’t say Minnie was crazy. I said
she was fucking Goofy!”

Pachy's avatar

So many movies and scenes, so little time to list them all. But here’s one I always look forward to in Woody Allen’s “Manhattan” ...

Female Party Guest: I finally had an orgasm, and my doctor said it was the wrong kind.

Isaac (Woody Allen): You had the wrong kind? I’ve never had the wrong kind, ever. My worst one was right on the money.

Berserker's avatar

The chicken lover scene from Devil’s Rejects made me laugh so much the first time I saw it. Now I admit, the magic is gone, but every time I see this it still makes me chuckle. It’s not just the dialogue, but if you look at the black guy’s face, you can tell the actor was doing his damned best not to bust out laughing lol.

Plucky's avatar

The bathroom scene in Bridesmaids.
The changing room scene in White Chicks.
The rocket scene in Rat Race. That movie had many hilarious scenes…also the flying cow hitting the bus wind-shield and the squirrel scene.
I know there are more movies but those were the ones I thought of right away.

Sunny2's avatar

“Who’s on first?” Abbot & Costello. After all these years, I still chuckle.

livelaughlove21's avatar

This scene (and many others) from Friends.

Pretty much every scene from Hangover and Hangover 2.

Way too many scenes from The Office (US) to find links for. Here’s one.

Pachy's avatar

“Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein,” arguably the best of the comic pair’s “Meets movies,” is filled with hilarious moments I still laugh out. This brief exchange in which Lawrence Talbot (Lon Chaney. Jr.) tries to warn Wilbur (Costello) he’s a wolf always gets me:

Talbot: You don’t understand. Every night when the moon is full, I turn into a wolf.

Wilbur: You and twenty million other guys!

cheebdragon's avatar

“I’ll tell you how to find a crooked cop, pick up the phone and call the police station, doesn’t really matter who answers” -National Security

flutherother's avatar

This scene from Only Fools and Horses is a classic.

ucme's avatar

^^Without even clicking on the link, i’m guessing it’s either the chandelier or Del Boy falling through the bar…both hilarious.

flutherother's avatar

It’s the bar scene lol.

ucme's avatar

Thought as much, my favourite is the feature length To Hull and Back, absolute classic.

Jeruba's avatar

No matter how many times I’ve seen it, I always laugh at the restaurant scene in Being John Malkovitch. In fact, I start laughing before the scene even begins.

There are several moments in O Brother, Where Art Thou? that never fail. “Damn! We’re in a tight spot!” is one, and this is another:

TOMMY JOHNSON: I had to be up at that there crossroads last midnight, to sell my soul to the devil.

ULYSSES EVERETT McGILL: Well, ain’t it a small world, spiritually speaking. Pete and Delmar just been baptized and saved. I guess I’m the only one that remains unaffiliated.

Watching George Clooney practically crack up as he delivers the line is part of what makes it so funny.

filmfann's avatar

This scene from The Producers

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@ucme mentioned Blazing Saddles. This great comedy deserves more than a mere mention. It is full of unforgettably funny scenes. It was not only ahead of its own time, it is evidently ahead of our time as well. Mel Brooks says that the studio heads would never let most of the scenes through today, especially the Work Gang/Camp Town Ladies scene at the beginning of the film. The cowboy in the red shirt, Burt Gilliam, was an LA fireman at the time with only a bit of Little Theater behind him. He later enjoyed a busy and lucrative career as a character actor, mostly in westerns. Slim Pickens had problems with the script because of the racist content. Richard Pryor wrote the Camp Town Ladies scene and talked Pickens down.

In this scene with Harvey Korman, Mel Brooks, and Robyn Hilton as Miss Stein. Korman later said that they had run through it straight per script once, then ad libbed once, then ad libbed for the print. What we saw in the theaters, the harumphing thing, “Work, work, work, work, hiya boys!” and Korman helping Brooks replace the pen, were a couple of old pros totally ad libbing their way through this scene.

Here’s incredible Madeleine Kahn doing Marlene Dietrich as Lillie von Shtupp in a scene called, It’s twooo! IT’S TWOOO!!!. Korman nearly loses his hand playing the letch at the door. Kahn does a great mimic of classic early Dietrich in the dance number, “I’m Tired.”

There is the hilarious scene in the gov’s office where Korman convinces Brooks to appoint Cleavon Little as sheriff, but I can’t find it. There is the one where Igor, the medieval hangman, apologetically explains from the hanging platform that he is “solidly booked through to next Thursday” then pulls the lever and hangs a bank robber and the horse he rode in on. There’s the Fourth Wall scenes. This 40 year old film is incredible.

Cleavon Little, the new black sheriff, dressed head to toe in Gucci, is crossing the desert on his way to town and just by chance runs into Count Basie and his Orchestra. This scene isn’t necessarily funny, but it is beautiful and it’s Brooks’ great homage to one of the finest entertainers of his generation.

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