Celebrity news - do you care about either of these?
With so many serious issues affecting our world, I was surprised to see the lead stories for the day are David Beckham’s retirement and NASCAR’s Dick Trickle’s suicide at age 71.
I’m just curious if people in general would rather hear these kinds of stories than follow-up on REAL issues like Benghazi, the IRS scandal, etc….
Do these celebrity stories put your mind at ease, irritate you, or ?
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35 Answers
They don’t usually affect me unless I’m really into that celebrity. I don’t pay attention to non-celeb news either for the most part – I have enough of my own problems to deal with without watching that depressing crap.
The celebrity “news” goes largely unnoticed by me. The importance that the reader places on any story will vary greatly will personal views, interests, etc., and that’s true for mainstream news as well.
This actually was on CBS News this morning, not our local news, that’s what I found curious.
It’s probably a peaceful day if those are “top stories.” That’s a good thing, I’m guessing.
Why I don’t bother with commercial news sources.
I could care less about both of them.
So much of what’s thrown at us today is celebrity news: The Kardashians, Lindsay Lohan, etc. It’s unavoidable so it’s kind of impossible not to get an inkling of what’s going on if you’re on any type of social media. That said, if I didn’t hear one more thing about celeb gossip my life would not be any different.
Dick Trickle!?! Sounds like a porn actor who suffers from premature ejaculation.
As for Beckham, he shoulda retired years ago, his peak years at Man Utd long since gone.
Distractions, just like party politics.
@ucme HAHA, yes, that’s really his name, poor fella.
And you know David is my boyfriend, so watch it! :)
Not that I thought either is detrimental enough to start off my news day.
“April & Goldenballs sitting in a tree, k.i.s.s.i.n.g…” :D
Breaking news: Dick Trickle peters out in the opening scene of porn movie: “Bend It Like Beckham.”
I think Beckham’s and Trickle’s stories are blessed relief from the distractions fed to us such as Benghazzi, IRS scandal, oh yeah, and the AP phone records.
“Doctor, i’m suffering from Dick Trickle & my wife is beginning to get frustrated, can you help?”
“I suggest you stop watching so much Nascar & pay more attention to her needs.”
“B…bb…bbu…bbut, that’s not what I meant!”
The doctor next door to us is named Dick Wiseman (pronounced Whizman)..ha!
Ooh, he’s a squirter, one in the eye for his patients…ewwwww!
@ucme Funnily enough, he’s an eye doctor- lol. You must be psychic!
Ha, I had a vision, hope he doesn’t make a spectacle of himself :)
Aww look, @Yetanotheruser had a brainfart…bless.
@Yetanotheruser I’ve read a LOT about psychics and all that in England, must be in your blood. :) By the way, is it true that a lot of people over there are REAL psychics?
@picante You are on a roll today. What have you been doing? “I’ll have what’s she’s having!”
I actually think Beckham’s timing is suspect, knowing the attention whore he is, he’s probably trying to steal the limelight away from Sir Alex Ferguson, Man Utd manager who retires this weekend after 27yrs…just a hunch.
I like celebrity news, won’t lie. I follow world news and “more important” stuff but I do like a dose of Hollywood to take the edge off a bit. I think that David Beckham’s retirement is a little worthy of attention, he’s been a better role model than most footballers and he’s had a long career, in football terms. I don’t know about the NASCAR chap but suicide is sad regardless of his age, I’m not surprised that it is big news in the States.
People that deliberately stay ignorant to world news annoy me a little (especially if they still follow celebrity news) although I can understand why people avoid it.
@janbb, I’m finally coming off of months of intense work projects/travel; I just got past a couple of weeks of suffering with allergies; I’m looking forward to seeing my precious granddaughter tomorrow evening; and dare I say I just tried Taco Bell’s “Baja Blast”—it’s unhealthy, but refreshing ;-).
And, I’m actually working on a big project that has me very energized!
I truly regret that I don’t have more time to engage here on most days, so I’m trying to make up for a bit of lost time. Happy Friday, all!
I cared enough to look to see who you were talking about. Now I don’t care at all. The media thinks that the public cares more about trivia and they may be right, unfortunately.
But just earlier in the week, we were praising Angelina Jolie for being in the news???? But suicide always seems to garner attention, it usually seems to be someone young, this is different because it is an oldie. I have always liked Beckham, he seems like a genuinely nice person and besides that he is beautiful so I like to hear about him. Plus I have always admired his skill. Let’s face it though, if this sort of news didn’t have an audience, it would not be up there.
@rooeytoo Angelina was being brave and it was very unusual for a celebrity to choose to have a non-perfect body, especially a sexy lady like her. You’re right about the audience though. :)
@KNOWITALL – she had reconstruction surgery, her breasts are probably now perfect, although I am sure there are many males who would say they were perfect to begin with. I never paid any attention myself so I couldn’t say! And you know what they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity and she certainly captured a bunch with her disclosure. I may be a cynic but I do question motives.
@rooeytoo I never pegged her for an attn-ho myself, she seems very anti-Hollywood and from everything I’ve ever heard, wants to be known as a humanitarian and a good wife and mom. But who knows, maybe I have it all wrong. I heard she kept the nipples and I’m sure they look okay, but I don’t think she put in anything to make them full.
Now I’m going to google Baja Blast.
I was not aware of either of these events until I read your question.
Not in the least, but I’m bothered that Kim is getting so fat.
Let us in on what a Baja Blast is, would you?
I’m too lazy to Goog tonight.
yetanotherexample of infantile skewed logic.
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