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cheebdragon's avatar

What is your opinion of Rand Paul?

Asked by cheebdragon (20746points) May 17th, 2013 from iPhone

I’m just wondering how he is being perceived so far…..

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30 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

An honourless k’pekt, just like all politicians.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I like him, with reservations. :)

syz's avatar

Not a fan. Not convinced yet if he’s evil, but definately not a good guy.

chyna's avatar

I don’t like him.

Pachy's avatar

I don’t like him with NO resevations.

I don’t like his little hair hat, either.

jerv's avatar

A near-perfect example of why I don’t vote Republican.

glacial's avatar

Part honest-to-goodness libertarian, part loony Ayn Rand-ophyte, with a dollop of we-should-be-keeping-closer-tabs-on-those-vaginas, and a smidgeon of crotchety old man.

Linda_Owl's avatar

I don’t like him & I definitely don’t trust him!

filmfann's avatar

Anal douche.

cheebdragon's avatar

These answers match exactly how I’ve always felt about Obama. I’m still waiting for Rand Paul to fail, but I give him major bonus points just for talking shit to a Clinton.

Ron_C's avatar

He seems reasonable if you know nothing about Ayn Rand an author, whose philosophy he follows.

Paul’s rants against the wars are completely accurate, he philosophy about giving capitalism free-reign will lead us into a the 21st century version of feudalism and complete the destruction of the middle class.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

His father is an interesting fellow with many good ideas, but there is a very dark side to Paul senior’s idea of what government should be. His son embodies that dark side completely. There should be a new adjective in the American dictionary describing mendacious little brats of wealth who involve themselves in our lives through politics, like the one who presided over our government for eight long years, involved us in two unnecessary wars and the Patriot Act, and in the process crashed the economy.

In the early 21st century the French coined a word: bushienne. The English language could use such an adjective to connote something that looks like a colorectal polyp, possesses the intelligence of a colorectal polyp, and is every bit as undesirable as a colorectal polyp. I would use such a word to describe this mendacious brat, this dark spawn of a good, but misguided man.

filmfann's avatar

@Ron_C I think you are confusing Rand Paul with Paul Ryan.
Paul Ryan was Romney’s Veep nominee, and used to talk about his admiration of Ann Rand, until he realized what she wrote.

Ron_C's avatar

@filmfann I absolutely know the difference between Rand Paul and Paul Ryan. Rand Paul is actually named after Ayn Rand and is a potential danger to progress in the U.S. Paul Ryan is famous for his economic ideals that posit the idea that the poor should pay more tax, that the rich pay too much and that Social Security should be turned over the bankers that put this country into it’s current state of danger.

Like Rand, both politicians think that the poor and middle class are a burden on society and would like to see the “elites” permanently control the government and there should be no restraints on capitalism.

I submit that putting either of these people in a leadership role will become the final blow to democracy and the rise of oligarchy.

cheebdragon's avatar

@espiritus_covus Who are you talking about? Rand Paul is against the war, he is against the patriot act, and he is against government involving themselves in our affairs.

@Ron_ C He was not named after Ayn Rand, google that shit.

Ron_C's avatar

@cheebdragon thanks for the link but it wouldn’t work on my computer. I found a video by Rand Paul and he says that his name is shortened from Randall. O.k. if he says so I’ll accept it. Wikipedia should be modified because it says he was named after Ayn Rand. I stand corrected but that doesn’t change the rest of my comments. Allowing either of these people power will be the final blow that will end democracy in this country. Unrestrained capitalism is not compatible with democracy because money (and power) flow towards the richest members of society. “Trickle down” is a proven fallacy.

filmfann's avatar

Here is @cheebdragon ‘s link for non-mobile folks.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@cheebdragon I never said Rand Paul wasn’t against the Act or the wars. I said that he was a mendacious little brat like the one who was recently in the White House, although there are many similarities. A man who wants to cut education spending by 83 percent wants to send the middle and lower classes into the dark ages. A man who wants to reduce government by 75% is interested only in a government that can serve the needs of the corporation. A man who wants to reduce food stamps by 30% during the current state of economics would soon be responsible for food riots and the enormous costs of jailing people after converting even more of the working class into unemployed felons, people who want nothing more than feed themselves and their families. A man who so vigorously associates himself with the Tea Party platform is, in my book, unbalanced and morally corrupt. He is a radical Republican and, if these policies and others he has proposed were ever put into effect, would drive this country into violent revolution. This man is elitist scum.

KidCurtis's avatar

What I’ve seen from him certainly hasn’t endeared him to me. Granted he isn’t someone who I keep up with.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Wikipedia done. With reservations. I’m not sure if the subject himself is a firm reference, but this challenges others to find other references concerning the origin of his name. Let the arguments begin…

cheebdragon's avatar

You got that from Wikipedia? I like Marilyn Monroe, my sons first name is Monroe, and you know what? it has nothing to do with why I named him Monroe, it was my great grandfathers name. Shocking? No.

I’d love to get the source behind your “facts” aout how he wants to cut education and reduce government, because I’ve been looking at his voting record and I really can’t find that bullshit.

filmfann's avatar

@cheebdragon So, your great-grandfather was named after Marilyn Monroe?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@cheebdragon It’s in the Congressional Record which is online. He, himself has said these things while stumping at home and on the floor. It is in Wikipedia under the Rand Paul article, please feel free to check article’s footnoted references. If you hadn’t been so rude in your replies, I might have taken the time to link you to these items, but I believe you need to do your own research as, per your comments, you don’t appear to be very well informed.

You got that from Wikipedia? I like Marilyn Monroe, my sons first name is Monroe, and you know what? it has nothing to do with why I named him Monroe, it was my great grandfathers name. Shocking? No.”

If that was in reference to my comment “Wikipedia done.” then the answer is no, I did not get that from Wikipedia, Ron_C did. I amended it in Wikipedia to say otherwise in order to challenge other contributors to find better references to the statement that Rand was named after Ayn.

Cheebdragon, you are not reading these comments thoroughly, your comprehension is poor. This is the third time between Ron_C and I that you’ve misread the statements and returned in near flames. Your answers to these comments are not only rushed, but rude. You appear to be locked and loaded for battle and are making assumptions, wrong assumptions, in anticipation of same. We try to avoid flameouts on Fluther in order to facilitate real argument, not the shouting matches and personal attacks found on other sites. Wouldn’t you be happier at Sodahead?

Ron_C's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus great answer, I will probably stop monitoring this thread because it looks like a flame throwing contest is about to begin. I’[m too flammable to be involved.

cheebdragon's avatar

LMFAO so you won’t link to a source behind your facts because I need to do my own research in order to validate your claims? I gave you the links to his voting record because I did the research and I understand that you are full of shit. What part of anything I have said is flame bait? The part where I pointed out that he was not named after ayn rand? Or the part where I asked where you received the facts about him? If he embodies the dark views of his father completely, As a voter I would like to know about it. It wouldn’t be very responsible of me to just believe what you say at face value, and it would be incredibly ignorant to spread incorrect information to others.

cheebdragon's avatar

@filmfann yeah, my great grandfather was named after marylin Monroe, he just happened to die before she was even born. Seems legit.

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