General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Is it normal for massive weight loss with pneumonia?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) May 17th, 2013

I weighed myself in the doctors office a week ago and it said 161 KG and the doctor told me I have bronchitis… last Monday I went to the hospital and they told me that I pneumonia…. yesterday I went for a doctors appointment and the scale said I was 236 lbs.

I am on disability and lunch-time weekday meals on wheels is my only source of healthy food….

I feel fine right know… I finished my antibiotics and I just cough up some phlegm… 4 of the 7 people living in my house are sick.

Other than some bed bug scares, spider bites and lack of healthy food, everything is fine.

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17 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

You must have those numbers wrong. If you lost that much weight you wouldn’t need a scale to know it, and it is basically impossible to lose over 100 pounds in a week. Maybe you meant 116 kg?

talljasperman's avatar

@JLeslie No… those figures are correct I failed to mention that I am 6’5” and I used to eat out very frequently and I mostly stopped eating out to save money. I was also on a stay my room strike, for being blamed for touching the land lords phone to order food.

JLeslie's avatar

You lost 120 pounds in a week? I have the time frame right?

talljasperman's avatar

@JLeslie May 8 2013 I started 6 tablets of Azithromycin. The first day I took two. May 13 I finished the medication. May 12 I was in the hospital. Today is may 17.

JLeslie's avatar

Seems like a lot. I can’t imagine losing more than 30 pounds. I’m not a doctor. Just thinking if you usually eat 4,000 calories a day, then that’s probably 8 pounds to lose in a week if you aren’t consuming much of anything, add several more for possible extreme water loss, and even if we up it to typically consuming 5,000 calories a day, still, I can’t imagine so much weight loss in that much time. Even if, God forbid, you have AIDS or cancer, it seems like too much to be possible.

Did you say something to the doctor when you were weighed in?

talljasperman's avatar

@JLeslie No I just asked to weight myself and the doctor didn’t look at the results… When I was 161 KG I told the doctor and he said that that was a normal weight for 6’5”... I have been changing weight ever since I was in the hospital for 5 months I frequently changed up to 75 pounds +\ – I was 275 pounds in july 28 2012 and 200 pounds in oct 23 2012, I don’t have a stable diet of healthy food so I eat out and I eat junk food and replacement meals.

JLeslie's avatar

Well, I disagree that 161 kg is a normal weight for 6’5” male, that is overweight in my opinion, but again, I am not a doctor. It isn’t uncommon to lose weight when ill, but your weight loss just seems very extreme.

Losing 75 pounds in 3 months while ill does sound very possible.

I’ll send your Q to a doctor.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I t is possible, as most of his weight was water.
He not only takes water hourly/dily he also has to calculate that he is taking water with his meds too. Plus the heat lately in his area.
Factor in his recent illness, as well.
Most of his weight lost was water.
Given an error in measuring his weight of may 10 lbs or even 20 lbs then we have him down to losing only high 96 lbs to low 50 lbs?
It is possible.
Here is a website to calculate not only what is considered normal for ones weight at certain
heights etc But is does not factor in Body frame sizes.Either petite or huge sizes( think Football players and such)?
Here is the site address to calculate:
one for females also on same site.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I had corrected the above typo errors and it had not shown up yet?
Bare with me.

JLeslie's avatar

Inspired_2write His height is basically irrelevant. Calories in, calories burned, equals weight, no matter how tall you are. The OP didin’t mention being severly dehydrated. The body is holding and releasing water to maintain electrolyte balance. Absolutely some of his weight loss would be water. Still, I don’t see how it’s possible to lose over 100 pounds in a week.

bkcunningham's avatar

It is very difficult for me to comprehend that you lost more than 100 pounds in one week, @talljasperman. Even on dialysis, your body couldn’t stand the stress of that rapid a weight loss. More tan 14 pounds a day? I’d imagine your blood pressure would go crazy.

Inspired_2write's avatar

No not in one week..more like 15 days.
plus errors in measuring his weight too.

JLeslie's avatar

I get 9 days, we can call it 10 if you want to include the day he was originally weighed, which I wouldn’t. May 8 to the 17.

Why are their huge weighing errors?

I’ll be curious to hear from a doctor the most weight loss they have observed in less than two weeks.

Inspired_2write's avatar

He was on meds in a stressfull weigh in etc. So easy to get things ( numbers) mixed up?
I believe that this was so in this case.

JLeslie's avatar

I think there is a weighing error also actually. But, I think the error is like 80 pounds or more. That’s a huge error. Even if it is 50 pounds, a 6’5” man would be able to tell if he was 350 or 270 I would think.

Rarebear's avatar

I’ve never heard of losing 100 pounds in a week. If someone is extremely ill they certainly can lose weight but not that much.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I’d guess one of the scales is wrong.

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