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Blackberry's avatar

How in the heck can this Texas judge get away with this?

Asked by Blackberry (34407points) May 18th, 2013

He ordered a lesbian couple to separate or lose custody of their kids. Why are we using “morality clauses” to control people’s lives?

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15 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

Disgraceful. It take us so long to learn and this judge is way behind the times.

JLeslie's avatar

Because it is the law. There is some logic with the morality clause in that it would be bad for the children to have different people in and out of their home at all hours of the night. But, I agree with you that it should not be in the divorce paperwork. It is obviously completely unfair to gay people who cannot marry in that state. If she was a single parent the state would have no say at all, but because she is a divorced parents they have this paperwork to deal with from the divorce.

The state does all sorts of things that interfere with marriage, families, relationships, etc. Many states you can’t get a divorce until you are legally separated for at least 6 months, some it is a year. I can’t for the life of me understand how it is the state’s business to slow down a divorce, most people don’t ask for a divorce until years of agonizing over the decision. I know more than one woman who was afraid for their safety during the waiting period, because once she announced she was leaving, the husband got more crazy.

ETpro's avatar

Don’t you get it, @Blackberry. Conservatives favor small government and leaving things up to the individual. That’s why they want government to control who you can and cannot love, how you can make love with them, and what you can do with your own bodies. The authoritarian leaders behind the new right need to keep everybody focused on sex and marriage and such so they can quietly dismantle the US middle class and transfer all the wealth of the nation to a few oligarchic families like the Kochs, the Waltons, the DeVos family, Donald Trump, Gina Reinhart, Sheldon Adelson, Carl Ichan and the like.

That’s why I shorten what’s masquerading for conservationism today in America and call them Con men. That is all they are.

Forget what the judge found. He probably followed state law. The problem is why are states passing such laws.

bkcunningham's avatar

I tried and tried to find the story in a local newspaper from the area and can’t come up with one.

zenvelo's avatar

I am not agreeing, but I understand the ruling. It was because the father complained. It’s the same as when a mother complains that the husband has some floozie girlfriend from a bar sleeping over when the kids are at dad’s for the weekend.

There are parental rights involved here. The lesbian couple may be loving and committed, but the court has to at least consider the father’s claim.

The problem would be solved if the women were married. Let us hope that is soon.

bkcunningham's avatar

I found this, you have to put in the name Carolyn Compton, but I can’t find a local newspaper story. I have found that small town newspapers are usually less biased sources of information.

bkcunningham's avatar

I also found this. This guy acts, ummm, a little weird, but he makes sense. It is strange that I found this rather odd video when I was looking for a legit news article about the case and came up empty.

jerv's avatar

Because it’s Texas, and not a place of freedom and tolerance like the US.

Blackberry's avatar

@JLeslie @zenvelo Yeah, that makes sense. I didn’t think of the husbnd and floozy example. It is too bad they can’t get married.

JLeslie's avatar

@Blackberry Plus, there is the situation of nonfloozy not married. Even if they were heterosexual, requiring marriage is too strict in my opinion. What if after dating a year exclusively the parent decides to move in with their SO? I don’t think people should feel forced to marry.

dxs's avatar

Thank you, @jerv. That’s exactly why.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Texas feels that it doesn’t need to adhere to the laws of the USA.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso In this case, what US law is TX breaking? From what I understand the divorce agreement had this clause. The two parents of the children agreed to and signed on the dotted line. Signed the contract to abide by.

ucme's avatar

Err, because judges are out of touch dumb cunts…mostly.

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