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ucme's avatar

Which masked characters are amongst your favourites?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 19th, 2013

I just looked & it seems I asked this before, but it was three years ago & considering my own “masked intruder”, the time is right to give it another go.

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30 Answers

ucme's avatar

Not so much a mask, more a tarpaulin.

Pachy's avatar

True, @ucme, but a cover-up nonetheless.

ucme's avatar

A great performance from John Hurt certainly.

Pachy's avatar

Indeed! I also liked the mask Darkman wore, an example of haphazard yet strangely beautiful design.

marinelife's avatar

The Lone Ranger.

dxs's avatar

The hamburglar
Just kidding…it’s just the first thing that came to my mind.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’ve always liked Spiderman the best.

janbb's avatar

Feathers McGraw! (Of course.)

cookieman's avatar


ucme's avatar

Yosemite Sam
Hong Kong Phooey
The Hooded Claw
Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees

ragingloli's avatar

The Great Saiyaman.

Sunny2's avatar

Rackety Coon Chil’ from Pogo. Extra points if you even recognize who I’m talking about.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man etc and of course, The Dark Lord

CWOTUS's avatar

Lightning Lady

Berserker's avatar

They call me many names, but I’ve only one shape,
The moon shines my work and shames,
Flashing lakes of blood upon my blade, red like Hell’s flames, you no longer have your life, as if you’ve never had a name.

My eyes are the black of night my soul is none,
My hand holds death and I deal it,
Fight and despair as you may, break out in a run,
I spare not even the sick, I’ll find you and you’ll never again see the Sun,
Through storytellers my tale is writ.

By your blood my story is told,
Your death defines me,
Let the body count roll.

My story continues with your end, I have no sin to mend, for I create them.

You, no one shall know, all they know is me.
The darkest night, the face of fear, evil’s might and always near.

Like a hyper clown you sprint like a mad fiend,
I’m like a wall, so still and lean,
But every time you look back I’m always there, I’m the last thing you’ve seen…

Happy fuckin’ Halloween!

OpryLeigh's avatar

The Phantom from The Phantom of the Opera/Love Never Dies.

ucme's avatar

Eeh, look at me forgetting all about this thread…what a fucking liberty!!
GA’s all round, even though I never got one…bastards ~
@Symbeline Nice…just nice :-)

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Eeeh you know we love you anyways. :)

ucme's avatar

Aye, that be true enough thee comely wench from below stairs…hey, pirates wear masks, sort of :)

Berserker's avatar

man you’re so romantic :D

ucme's avatar

Ha, fuck romance stranger, git on ya knees & blow XD

Berserker's avatar

stop being so romantic!

ucme's avatar

Oops, sorry, I forgot.

filmfann's avatar

Where is @AstroChuck? I need someone here who remembers El Kabong

Shinimegami's avatar

I like Japanese series “Kekko Kamen” mean “Wonderful Mask”, heroine wear red mask have long ears like rabbit, red cape, red boots, wear nothing else, is mostly nude. Saito Shina star of first two movies, Moro Misaki star of 3rd and 4th ones, not see others yet.
Chinese movies “The Mask” star Jet Li (Li Lian-Jie) and “Legend of the Fist” star Donnie Yen (Yen Ji-Don) both wear masks and fight evil.

VenusFanelli's avatar

I see someone else likes “Kekko Kamen” from Japanese comics and movies.
I like some older “Batman” movies but not “The Dark Knight” trilogy.

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