What does your desk look like right now?
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May 20th, 2013
So, my desk usually has odd things, electronic parts, a soldering iron, etc on it, but it has something special today which is kind of funny.
I bought a weed whacker at a garage sale, and I plan on trying to mount it on my bike, so right now the middle of my desk is occupied by an engine XD
So, what does your desk look like? Show us with a picture
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18 Answers
Strewn with peanut shells.
Mine is considerably cleaner than it has been for at least a year. I just got through my most difficult and final semester of classes and have started cleaning up my bookish bachelor pad.
You can even see parts of the desk in places!
I bought a new desk and it is being delivered tomorrow. I actually use a behind the sofa table as a desk and I’m giving it away to my sister-in-law. I’ll take a photo tomorrow after the new one is delivered.
@XOIIO, I looked at your photo before I read your entire post. I thought it was a lawn mower engine. What, pray tell, are you going to do with that on your bike?
It doesn’t look very organized, but it’s an organized mess. I have a tissue box, a lamp, writing utencils, erasers, and a ton of drawings scattered about the desktop. There’s also some used napkins and some old detention slips at the edge of the desk. Why I still have those I do not know.
My desk top bounces between organized chaos and chaotic organization. I have my various stacks, but I do tend to know what’s in each stack.
Alot of National Geographic and Popular Science magazines are on my desk right now, I’ve been meaning to read them.
Always spotless, I’m a little ocd
@bkcunningham I’m going to see if it is strong enough to push me around at decent speed. There are loads of other people doing it with various brands, I’m just not sure if it will be strong enough.
Like my dog’s breakfast but there’s method in my madness!
Desk? I’m no longer of school age & so have no need for such a thong…I mean thing.
It looks like I don’t have a desk.
Or like a pair of legs.
(Whichever answer is better.)
@ucme Thong? You mean dental floss.
“Thing, thing a thong, make it thimple, to latht the whole night long…”
If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, what is an empty desk a sign of?
@downtide A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer.
It’s pretty tidy since I’m not working at it today.
Desk? What desk? I can’t even see one.
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