Meta Question

Bellatrix's avatar

Do we have any jellies in Oklahoma who might be affected by the tornadoes happening there?

Asked by Bellatrix (21320points) May 20th, 2013

Just watching the live coverage of this sad situation. I wonder if we have any members who live in that region?

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10 Answers

chyna's avatar

I have family out there and it took a while to contact them. They are all safe.

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s good to hear @chyna.

augustlan's avatar

Thanks for asking this @Bellatrix. Hope our jellies are okay!

Warrior_INTJ's avatar

My friends and family are safe, thank you so much for asking :-)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I was born and raised in Oklahoma, believe it or not, but it seems like a lifetime ago. I will be flying there tomorrow, as a matter of fact, to attend a family reunion.

Thank you for asking this question.

All my family members live in a different part of the state, and all are safe. My ex-wife, on the other hand, has family very near where the enormous tornado hit. Her brother and his family are safe. Her aunts and uncles and cousins are also safe.

It’s a very sad day.

Bellatrix's avatar

Very welcome @Warrior_INTJ and welcome to Fluther. I’m glad to hear both your family and @Hawaii_Jake‘s family are safe. It is indeed a sad day @Hawaii_Jake. A time to remember that no matter where we live, what our religion or politics, we are all brothers and sisters at heart. You stay safe @Hawaii_Jake. There are supposed to be more tornadoes heading that way tomorrow.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Apparently I have relatives in the town that was hit the hardest. I have never met them, only seen pictures and read the odd letter but I really hope they are ok. The last I heard, my Aunt (who is in contact with them) was trying to get hold of them but hadn’t had any luck. I haven’t heard anything yet so I am assuming they still haven’t been in touch.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@woodcutter lives there, he’s fine and PM’d me. He has a dog that won’t get out of bed though- lol

Seek's avatar

@KNOWITALL I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t, either.

Bellatrix's avatar

Thanks @KNOWITALL. Glad he’s okay.

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