General Question

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

How old were you when you got your wisdom teeth extracted?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) May 20th, 2013

If you didn’t keep them.
Mine are impacted, and I have to get them out on May 31.
I am extremely nervous and scared. I’ve never been sedated before!
This is a weird side questions, but if your nose is a little stuffy (from allergies and whatnot) would that prevent your brain from getting enough oxygen during sedation?
I’ve been researching deaths related to wisdom teeth extractions and freaking myself out.

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36 Answers

bob_'s avatar

I was 27. It’s not a big deal, don’t worry.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I had mine chiseled out under local anesthetic when I was 16. No big deal. When I was sedated at the dentist, they used a mix of nitrous oxide and pure oxygen. They had a little clip they put on my finger to monitor oxygen levels. You will be fine.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I was 21, and a smoker. No dry sockets, healed very quickly. No biggie! Just get some ice cream beforehand. It’s a great snack and feels soooooo good in your mouth.

Mariah's avatar

Haven’t yet, gonna have to happen soon!

Don’t worry about sedation. They usually use light sedation for these things and it’s no big deal. And regarding the stuffy nose, I would think if you’re breathing well enough while asleep at night, it’d be the same deal under sedation.

Rarebear's avatar

I never had them out. I’m 49, but I have a big mouth.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I got mine out today. It was pretty shitty earlier but the pain is starting to subside already. It is going to be a bit of a pain for the next couple of days as far as eating goes and the fact that I’ll have to stop smoking but I’ll survive.

JLeslie's avatar

I think I was 14. Possibly 15 at the oldest.

filmfann's avatar

15–17. I don’t remember.

YARNLADY's avatar

I was around 25. I was afraid before and relieved after at how easy it turned out.

jerv's avatar


Standard practice for Navy recruits who will likely see sub duty, as most nukes do.

RocketGuy's avatar

All 4 out at 18. The Dr knew what he was doing: count backwards from 10… next thing I knew, it was time to go home. I didn’t feel a thing until 4 hr after I got home.

Tea bags are a lot cheaper than gauze to stop any bleeding, plus tea has clotting properties so is actually better than gauze.

Finally: Don’t eat salad with croutons until you are fully healed. Croutons will migrate to the holes…

Adagio's avatar

Does anyone else not have wisdom teeth?

augustlan's avatar

@Adagio My ex-husband and one of our children have no wisdom teeth. They claim they are more evolved. :p

I had two of mine out in my thirties. It didn’t go well, and I never went back to have the other two taken out. But I did live through it!

woodcutter's avatar

I think I was 39 or 40. And then it was only one. It had spread to my right ear or at least the pain was so much it felt like I had a monster growing in my head. I don’t remember any of the procedure, which is fine I suppose. I had a sore mouth for a few days but it wasn’t so bad I had to stay home. Try not to eat peas or corn after and pay attention to what your oral surgeon tells you.

gondwanalon's avatar

Don’t spend time worrying about having your wisdom teeth extracted. Just do it. You will survive just like millions of other people have.

I’m 62½ and still have all four of my wisdom teeth (or true molars). In fact 3 of my wisdom teeth have crowns. When I was young I had to have pre molars in each quadrant of my mouth extracted and that gave my wisdom teeth plenty of room to move in.

Sunny2's avatar

All 4 of mine were growing sideways instead of up. I was 22 and in the Army, They recommended I have them all removed so I wouldn’t have to pay to have done it later. So I did. No problems. My mouth was too small to accommodate all my teeth anyway.

AshlynM's avatar

I was still in high school so about 16 or 17.

pleiades's avatar

I don’t believe you have to be sedated! I’m 25 and when I get dental insurance I’m going to just take numbing shots, fuck it, I’d rather take some pain than die of sedation.

johnpowell's avatar

April of 1999. They didn’t need to come out right then but I got them pulled since I was going to Europe in a month and didn’t want to deal with them there if problems arose. I was 22 at the time and was put under. All four were yanked and it never hurt. The key is to take the pain killers before you need them. Once it hurts you are fucked trying to get the pain to go away. So just do what the bottle says even if it doesn’t hurt.

And when you first try to eat ice cream do it in front of a mirror. I tried on the couch while my entire face was numb and I was a bit loopy. I kept jamming the spoon into my cheek.

ragingloli's avatar

I still have them. Hence my wisdom.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@uberbatman Not that I’m encouraging you, or anyone else, to keep polluting your lungs, because as a moderate-heavy smoker myself, even I think it’s a disgusting habit… But if you’re desperate for a smoke, have one. Be conscious of how hard you’re dragging on it though, because the sucking motion will cause problems. When you’re done, immediately go rinse your mouth with warm salt water.

I’m an idiot and started smoking again, fairly regularly, about 3 hours after the surgery. I just dragged gently, and rinsed my mouth after. Not a single problem. Granted, I’m no doctor, so I’m not promising it’s safe for others to do what I did…

But if you have the willpower to use this as a reason to quit, DO IT! :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

About age 19, and sedation isn’t bad, it’s waking up that makes you cry. I also woke up with the doc on my chest pulling a upper wisdom tooth out, that was wild,but they threw me back under pretty quick. Don’t be scared, just make sure a close girlfriend or mom goes if possible, so you have some comfort while you wake up.

And one of my bloody teeth was in my hair when my girlfriend was brushing out my hiar, freaky.

keobooks's avatar

I was 25. I told the doctor I didn’t think the sedation was working. I blinked and then my mouth was too full of cotton to tell him that. They had already done the surgery.

zenvelo's avatar

I was 18. My son needs his out too, he is 17, almost 18. Will schedule as soon as he has a week free after school gets out.

My 15 year old daughter had a full x-ray panel for orthodonture done in March. Her wisdom teeth have already started, but it will be a while before it will be time to extract them.

bookish1's avatar

I was 17 and got my bottom ones removed; the top ones grew in fine. Sedation is likely an option rather than necessary. I just had a shot of novocaine.

janbb's avatar

Haven’t yet.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I haven’t smoked cigs since I got my teeth out but I did smoke some weed to help with the pain. I just put some gauze in my mouth over the wounds and pulled real gently and then rinsed out. Should be fine.

Beantowngal's avatar

I was 46 and convinced I would die. I had a nice little happy pill to take prior, that helped. I remember nothing, had little pain or swelling. Good luck!

Adagio's avatar

@Augustlan ”… more evolved.”? Absolutely!

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Well, all of you answering is indication that you survived sedation.
I guess I’m just paranoid about this whole thing. I was just researching deaths related to wisdom teeth and all the complications, and it’s making me paranoid.

janbb's avatar

@Aesthetic_Mess Both my boys had all four done and were fine, but they did stay on pain meds (percocet) for a few days. Chocolate pudding seemed to be the food of choice.

forestGeek's avatar

I was 17 when I had them removed. It’s kind of a funny story…

My teeth actually grew in fine, and the dentist saw no problem leaving them unless I develop problems later. So at 17, I was at a punk show and got kicked in the head by a stage-diver, which kinda messed up my jaw and made it pop, click and occasionally lock-up. I wasn’t supposed to go to that show, so I never told my parents what happened, but did tell them my jaw was popping. They took me to the dentist and he told us it might be because of my wisdom teeth, and that it would be worth removing them to see if that helps. So yeah, that’s the only reason they were removed. Oh well, less teeth to brush, right? :)

peridot's avatar

I had the bottom ones removed around age 25. The upper right one has yet to be seen (= hidden wisdom? lol) and the upper left is half-erupted— I just keep it very clean, to avoid icky problems. It wasn’t a bad procedure; had a local anesthetic (be prepared to hear and smell the drilling), but it went well.

My mistake was waiting until afterwards to get groceries—the memory of sensation returning to my gumline in the middle of the Jello aisle at Albertson’s will stay with me the rest of my life! Get soft foods well in advance of your surgery date, and try using soaked teabags as a sort of cold compress for the removal site/s (bite down on them gently to keep them in place).

The thought can be scary, especially if you’ve never had any kind of procedure done… but really, you should be fine. :)

bob_'s avatar

@forestGeek did the popping stop?

forestGeek's avatar

@bob_ Nope, it appears that I’ll have the memory of that show for the rest of my life. :) Thankfully it’s not too bad.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I had all of mine out when I was 14. You will be fine; Don’t worry about being stuffy. Make sure you have some popsicles or ice cream in the freezer for when you get home. Those really cheered me up when I couldn’t eat much of anything else.

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