Social Question

rojo's avatar

What do you think of this conclusion reached regarding the Boston Bombing?

Asked by rojo (24187points) May 21st, 2013

“Martial law is imposed where people are forced to stay in their homes, businesses are forced to close, and an army of police (who look just like soldiers) go door to door searching houses and forcing inhabitants out at gunpoint with their hands up. Only a well-planned psyop could turn this into a patriotic event instead of the ominous precedent that it was.

And now that we’ve been introduced to the reality of martial law – and we seemed to like it – we’re likely to be seeing it again very soon.”

Found this looking at a conspiracy site. Wanted others take on it.

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10 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

It wasn’t martial law, because you weren’t going to get arrested if you left your house to go somewhere. If you were there, you were told to not interfere with police doing their duty, and to stay inside for your own safety because there was someone loose that had shown no compunction about firing weapons in crowded areas.

Someone questioning what went on during the manhunt is actually suspect by me of false accusations to foment disregard of safety and cooperation.

Judi's avatar

People who’s only agenda is hate will find justification for it everywhere.

marinelife's avatar

I think the events of Boston were unique, and a trend is not starting.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Another flavor of Nutjob.

OneBadApple's avatar

Man, just ONCE I’d like to see a notorious criminal event handled well (like Boston was) without somebody finding fault, implying some ominous conspiracy, or making a foreboding “look where we’re headed” statement.

The Boston police did a great job under very stressful circumstances and deserve only our respect and deep admiration for handling everything as they did, protecting citizens and doing it in a very respectful manner.

You can’t do it better than that.

Hats off….

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Sounds like the strident hyperbole of a panicky drama queen for a paranoid drama queen audience like InfoWars.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Silly conspiracists.

Ron_C's avatar

I’ve written before about militarized police forces. The Boston police action falls slightly short of martial law because there were no punishments associated with disobedience.

I understand why big cities have SWAT teams and hope that they limit their activation. Police departments are becoming increasingly militarized. We will know that our freedoms are ended when a city or state police force institutes long term martial law with sever penalties for disobedience.

Now that there is an almost universal SWAT organization, freedom robbing laws like the Patriot Act, a suspension of the constitution for the least reason is in our likely future.

Jaxk's avatar

A rare moment of agreement with @Ron_C. I will savor it.

Ron_C's avatar

@Jaxk ha! We finally agree!

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