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talljasperman's avatar

What would you be willing to do to escape the feeling of being trapped?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) May 21st, 2013

Like what Aladdin and Princess Jasmine sang before they met each other.

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12 Answers

bookish1's avatar

Are we talking about being trapped figuratively or literally?

talljasperman's avatar

@bookish1 literally and figuratively…. I feel trapped that I have to have a station in life and I feel trapped in the twilight zone with mystic experiences that when I told a doctor I got put in a hospital for five months.

Unbroken's avatar

We all are trapped but for our imagination. Our very bodies are tools in which to contain our subconscious.

I escape into books and flights of fancy, I don’t commit to things, but because of this flaw I miss much of the rewards of taking chances.

Accept what is and try to find constructive uses, use the time to study, to become aware of self, to learn of others or destructive tendencies.

Find a peace with your journey in the turmoil of your mind. Being grounded to something allows us to exist. It may not be the only way. But if you were to find another and switch to that form would you miss the first?

bookish1's avatar

@talljasperman : You got institutionalized for having mystical experiences? Damn dude, that’s fucked up.

Have you done any reading about mystical experiences or traditions? Have you tried to write about your experiences?

YARNLADY's avatar

Read a lot

LuckyGuy's avatar

I accept responsibility and do what needs to be done.
I have to work or the bills don’t get paid. I must cut the grass or the lawn will get out of control. I must cut and stack wood or the house will be cold. I take responsibility for my actions.
I do not have the luxury of getting a check for no work or being independently wealthy. I am my own provider. Knowing that I am my own safety net keeps me on the straight and narrow. And, truth be told, make me a stronger, better person for it.

talljasperman's avatar

@bookish1 Other than the time life series on the paranormal and a couple of television series “Like Mysterious Ways” , and “Ghostbusters” I haven’t found much…. Edgar Casey sounds interesting my mom was into that when she was a young adult.

rooeytoo's avatar

I have a teen agers mind trapped in almost 70 year old body. Not much I can do about it so I just have to accept being trapped. If I could though, I would retain what is in my brain and soul but trade in the body for a newer model!!!

Aster's avatar

@talljasperman what do you mean you have to have a station in life? As for the mystic experiences I’d keep them to myself from now on! I hope they’re enjoyable!

talljasperman's avatar

@Aster A station, like a career, or place in society, instead of being disabled. I wanted to sleep when I want and eat what I please. I’m on disability and I still don’t get to sleep when I want, seeing I need to go to Dr.‘s appointments, and I only have $800 a month for food and I am still hungry.

bookish1's avatar

@talljasperman : One place to start might be “The Varieties of Mystical Experience” by American psychologist William James. However, mystical experiences are usually distinct from paranormal experiences, so I might have misunderstood you from the way you were using the word.

Also, having a job is no guarantee that you’ll get to sleep when you want…Just ask anyone who works.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update: I no longer feel trapped. I see a future that is livable.

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